CARLING, Demographics and Psychographics

Cards (17)

  • semiotics - symbols and signs are loaded with cultural, contextual significance. audiences interpret signs according to their cultural competencies.
  • cultural competency - ability to understand and use the language and customs of another culture.
  • Demographics - the observable characteristics of a specific audience segment.
  • Psychographics - The study of the psychological characteristics of a group of people.
  • What are some examples of psychographics?

    Personality, values, lifestyle, attitudes, interests
  • What are some examples of demographics?

    Age, gender, race, location, employment status
  • What anagram do we use when analysing media products?

  • C - Context (Social, economical, historical, political, cultural)
  • R - Representation (How does this product represent society, how does it portray women/men/minorities etc.)
  • L - Language (Is there any slang or dialect used, is it formal or informal language)
  • A - Audience (Who is it aimed at, what age range, socio-economic class etc.)
  • N - Narrative (Storytelling techniques, plot, characterisation, themes)
  • G - Genre (Does the genre fit with the audience, is it realistic or fantasy)
  • N - Narrative (Does the narrative have a clear beginning middle and end, is it linear or nonlinear)
  • Zeitgeist - spirit/contexts of the time
  • An effective media product will reflect the zeitgeist.
  • What are the demographic social grades?
