We can deal with informed consent not being adhered to by using other means to gain consent; Presumptive, Prior general consent, and retrospective consent.
Presumptive Consent.
Asking a group of people from the same target population as the sample whether they would agree to take part in such a study, if yes then presume the sample would.
Prior General Consent
Prior general consent involves asking participants to give their permission to take part in a number of different studies, including one that will involve deception.
Retrospective consent
This is where the participant gives consent for their data to be used in the research once they've taken part and have been debriefed
Dealing with Deception and Protection from Harm
Offer Therapy and Counselling
Right to Withdraw
Dealing with Confidentiality
Keep personal details anonymous
Use numbers instead of names
Keep all conversations between Participants and Researcher(s) private