Unit 5

Cards (84)

  • What is the circulatory system made of 

  • what happens across the capillary walls
    exchange of gases, nutrients, and waste products with the cells take place
  • what is matter generally classifies as 

  • what is viscosity
    the resistance to flow offered by a fluid in motion
  • What is pressure
    Driving force behind fluid flow
  • What is pressure
    Driving force behind fluid flow
  • what is required for flow to occur
    pressure difference
  • if there is a greater pressure difference the the flow rate will be 

  • what is hydrostatic
    force of gravity on a static fluid
  • what is volumetric flow rate
    volume of blood passing a point per unit of time
  • what is the formula for volumetric flow rate
    Q=pressure gradient/velocity
  • if there is a increase of resistance then the flow rate will 

  • if the pressure difference increases the flow rate will 

  • if the size of of the vessel increases then the resistance will 

  • what is viscous loss
    thickness of blood
  • what is hematocrit
    how many red blood cell are in blood
  • what is frictional loss
    conversion of flow energy to heat
    blood sliding across vessel walls
  • inertial loss
    tendency of fluid to resist changes
  • Volume flow rate
    Volume of blood moving during a particular time
  • what is velocity
    speed or swiftness of moving fluid from one location to another
  • what are the types of flow
    plug flow
    laminar flow
    parabolic flow
    disturbed flow
    turbulent flow
  • what is plug flow
    the speed of the fluid is same across the entire tube
  • what is laminar flow
    faster in the middle and gets slower the closer it gets to the wall
  • what is parabolic flow
    form of laminar flow
    flow speed across the vessel is equal to one half the maximum flow speed
  • what is disturbed flow
    form of laminar flow
    occurs when the parallel streamlines are altered from their straight line form
  • where does disturbed flow occur 

  • what is reynolds number
    predicts whether flow is laminar or turbulent
  • What number is laminar flow
    Equal or less than 2000
  • what number is turbulent flow
    equal or above 3500
  • what number is turbulent flow
    equal or above 3500
  • what number is turbulent flow
    equal or above 3500
  • what is pulsatile flow
    non-steady flow
    acceleration and deceleration over the cardiac cycle
  • where is pulsatlie flow
    found in arteries
  • what is systolic
    when the heart is pumping
  • what is diastolic
    heart not pumping
  • what is poiseluille’s equation
    for steady flow in long straight tubes
  • if pressure difference or the diameter of the tube increases what does the flow rate do 

  • if viscosity or the length of the tube increases then the flow rate
  • what is poiseuille’s equation
    Q=pie(P2-p1) x r^4/ 8Ln
  • what is continuity rule
    blood is neither created nor destroyed as it flows though the vessel