Fisher+Geiselman (1984) claimed EWT could be improved if police use techniques based on psychological insights into how memory works.
Report everything
witnesses encouraged to recall every possible detail of event no matter how irrelevant it may seem, as even minor details can act as a cue to trigger other memories.
2. Reinstate the context
witness returns to crime scene (in mind or real life) and imagines the environment, e.g the weather, and their emotions.
based on concept of context-dependent forgetting
3. Reverse the order
events are recalled in a different order, e.g end to start
prevents witness's expectations of what happened interfering with the actual event
also prevents dishonesty as makes it harder to lie
4. Change perspective
witness recalls incident from other people's perspectives e.g a witness across the road
prevents influences of expectations and schemas on recall- mental framework of info developed through experience that help interpret incoming info
ECIFisheret al (1987)
focuses on social dynamics between interaction of witness+ interviewer e.g when to establish+ maintain eye contact
reducing EW's anxiety
minimising distractions
getting witness to speak slowly
asking open-ended questions
strength-research support for effectiveness of CI (Kohnken et al)
Kohnken et al (1999) did a meta analysis combining data from 50 studies, comparing CI+ECI to standard police interviews
CI produced average of 41% more correct info than standard interview + only 4 studies showed no difference
shows CI effective in helping witnesses recall info + practical contributions to society
limitation- conflicting evidence
however, Kohnken et al also found that CI led to an increase in incorrect info of around 20-30%
means that although witnesses recalled more info, some of it wasnt necessarily accurate- quantity over quality
questions reliability of CI+ECI
suggests that interviewers need to be cautious when using CI to gather details of an event
limitation- time consuming
police are reluctant to use CI as it takes more time than the standard interview
requires special training which many forces dont always have the resources of funds to provide this for police offers
suggests CI is unrealistic to use in all incidents and may be more practical to use in special cases
limitation- some elements of CI more useful than others (milne+bull)
Milne + Bull (2002) found that each individual technique of the CI alone produced more info than standard police interview
Also found that combining report everything stage with the reinstate context stage produced better recall than any other technique individually or combined
casts doubt on overall credibility of CI as reliability of effectiveness varies