Eye Witness Testimony

    Cards (43)

    • Who was freed after being wrongfully imprisoned for two decades?
      A man who was wrongfully convicted
    • How long did the man spend in prison for the murder of Marcus Boyd?
      Half of his life
    • At what age was the man imprisoned?
      14 years old
    • What is an eyewitness?
      An eyewitness is someone who has seen something happen, often in relation to a crime.
    • What factor can affect the accuracy of eyewitness testimony?
      Misleading information
    • What are the two parts under the heading of misleading information?
      Leading questions and post-event discussion
    • What are leading questions?
      Questions that prompt or encourage a desired answer from the person asking.
    • Who is Elizabeth Loftus?
      A psychologist known for her research on eyewitness testimony.
    • What did Loftus and Palmer's 1974 study investigate?
      The impact of language used in questions on memory.
    • In Loftus and Palmer's first experiment, what was the critical question asked about?
      How fast were the cars going when they bumped into each other?
    • How did the wording of the question affect participants' speed estimates?
      Using the verb "smashed" led to higher speed estimates than other verbs.
    • What was the outcome of Loftus and Palmer's second experiment regarding broken glass?
      Participants were more likely to report seeing broken glass when asked about "smashed" cars.
    • What is the cognitive interview technique?
      • Developed for interviewing eyewitnesses
      • Avoids leading questions
      • Encourages witnesses to report everything
      • Uses open-ended questions
    • What did research by Conkey et al. in 1999 find about the cognitive interview?
      The cognitive interview provided more accurate information than standard interviews.
    • What is post-event discussion?
      When witnesses discuss the details of a crime after it has occurred.
    • What did Fiona Gabbert's 2003 study demonstrate about post-event discussion?
      It can lead to inaccurate recall of a crime.
    • What percentage of witnesses in Gabbert's study reported information from another witness?
      71 percent
    • What was the conclusion of Gabbert's study regarding eyewitness testimony?
      Post-event discussion can influence recall and lead to misinformation.
    • What are the strengths of the research conducted on misleading information?
      • Conducted in highly controlled experimental settings
      • Enables careful control of extraneous variables
      • Allows for replication of studies
    • What are the weaknesses of the research conducted on misleading information?
      • Artificial studies lacking real-life context
      • Missing the anxiety and seriousness of real events
      • Issues with ecological validity
    • What did research by Foster et al. in 1994 find about eyewitness accuracy?
      Eyewitnesses were more accurate when they believed the video was of a real robbery.
    • What is a criticism of Loftus and Palmer's sample in their research?
      The sample consisted of 45 American University students, which is not representative of the general population.
    • How might a more experienced driver estimate speed differently than a student in Loftus and Palmer's study?
      A more experienced driver may provide a more accurate estimate based on their driving experience.
    • What is the Innocence Project?
      • A project that works to exonerate wrongfully convicted individuals
      • Focuses on cases where DNA evidence can prove innocence
      • Raises awareness about wrongful convictions
    • What is another factor that can affect the accuracy of eyewitness testimony besides misleading information?
      Anxiety, including weapons focus.
    • What is the experience of being an eyewitness to a crime described as?
      It is not a comfy, nice, relaxing experience.
    • What physiological response occurs when someone witnesses a crime?
      The fight or flight response kicks in, leading to heightened alertness.
    • How does stress and anxiety affect eyewitness memory recall?
      It can negatively impact the ability to recall details.
    • What is an eyewitness?
      An eyewitness is someone who has seen something happen, often related to a crime.
    • What are some factors that can affect the accuracy of eyewitness testimony?
      Misleading information, leading questions, and post-event discussion.
    • What is weapons focus?
      It refers to the concentration of a witness's attention on a weapon, reducing their ability to remember other details.
    • In Johnson and Scott's 1976 study, what were the two conditions participants experienced?
      Condition one involved a pen, and condition two involved a knife.
    • What was the finding regarding recall accuracy in Johnson and Scott's study?
      49% recalled the man in the low anxiety condition, while only 33% recalled in the high anxiety condition.
    • Why was recall poor in the high anxiety condition of Johnson and Scott's study?
      Participants' attention was focused on the weapon, reducing their ability to remember peripheral details.
    • What ethical concerns were raised about Johnson and Scott's study?
      The study caused psychological harm and lacked informed consent.
    • What did research by Yuille and Cutshall in 1986 find about anxiety and memory recall?
      They found that anxiety can have a positive impact on memory recall.
    • What event did Yuille and Cutshall study in their research?
      A traumatic armed robbery in a gun shop.
    • What was the accuracy of the witnesses who were most distressed during the Yuille and Cutshall study?
      Their accuracy was 93% compared to 75% for other witnesses.
    • What did Christensen and Hubenet's 1993 research find regarding emotional reactions and memory recall?
      They found no evidence that high arousal negatively impacted recall in bank robberies.
    • What is a strength of the studies by Yuille and Cutshall and Christensen and Hubenet?
      They were real-life studies, providing more ecologically valid results.