External Factors

Cards (27)

  • What is the key out-of-school factor that might impact differential achievement by social class?
    Material deprivation
  • What does material deprivation refer to?
    The inability to afford basic resources
  • How does material deprivation affect pupils' educational performance?
    It leads to underachievement due to lack of resources
  • What are some examples of basic resources that pupils may be unable to afford due to material deprivation?
    Sufficient food, heating, clothing, and educational resources
  • How does poor diet and under-nourishment impact educational performance?
    It leads to poor health and subsequent poor attendance at school
  • What are important material factors for educational success?
    Access to the internet, books, and a quiet place to work
  • Why might working-class pupils need to undertake employment alongside their studies?
    To bring in more income into the household
  • What is the impact of working too many hours on educational performance?
    It leads to insufficient time for study and fatigue
  • How can higher-income households benefit educationally?
    They can afford educational visits and private tuition
  • What do some argue about working-class pupils in terms of cultural deprivation?
    They often experience inadequate socialization
  • What perspective argues that cultural capital gives middle-class pupils advantages?
    Marxist/neo-Marxist perspective
  • What is the difference in gratification expectations between working-class and middle-class pupils?
    Working-class pupils expect immediate gratification, while middle-class pupils understand deferred gratification
  • Who is associated with the idea that working-class families are less interested in social mobility?
    Sugarman (1970)
  • What did Hyman (1967) argue about working-class families?
    They were less interested in social mobility than middle-class families
  • How does Douglas (1964) view the involvement of working-class parents in their children's education?
    He argued that they took less interest in school and education
  • What is Bourdieu's concept of habitus?
    It refers to the norms, values, attitudes, and behaviors of a particular social group
  • How does cultural capital relate to educational achievement?
    Middle-class cultural norms are better rewarded in the education system
  • What does social capital refer to?
    The networks and relationships a person possesses based on class membership
  • How can high social capital benefit a middle-class individual in education?
    It enables them to build productive relationships with teachers
  • What has been the impact of government policies on out-of-school factors affecting educational achievement?
    Statistics show that social class remains the main predictor of educational achievement
  • What are some policies designed to combat material factors?
    Educational Maintenance Allowances, Pupil Premium, free school dinners
  • What is the challenge with compensatory education policies?
    They have not significantly shifted the statistics on educational achievement
  • How can wealth impact educational attainment?
    Wealth allows for the purchase of educational advantages
  • What is the relationship between cultural factors and educational success for working-class children?
    Working-class children may prioritize immediate gratification due to realistic expectations
  • Why might working-class families need their children's income?
    They may require it for material necessity
  • What are the main out-of-school factors affecting educational achievement?
    • Material deprivation
    • Cultural deprivation
    • Social capital
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of compensatory education policies?
    • Aim to address inequalities
    • Provide additional resources

    • Have not significantly changed achievement statistics
    • Cannot prevent wealthier families from gaining advantages