Authoritarian Personality

Cards (16)

  • What is the dispositional explanation for obedience known as?
    Authoritarian Personality
  • What are the characteristics of an authoritarian personality?
    Respectful and submissive to authority, traditional values, and hostile to inferiors
  • What childhood experiences contribute to the formation of an authoritarian personality?
    Harsh parenting, strict discipline, high standards, and severe criticism
  • How does harsh parenting lead to resentment and hostility in children?
    Children displace fear onto others and scapegoat them
  • What psychological mechanism do children with authoritarian personalities use to feel superior?
    They project their own insecurities onto others
  • What research did Adorno et al. conduct in 1950 regarding authoritarian personalities?
    They measured attitudes towards minorities using the F-Scale
  • What does the F-Scale measure?
    It measures fascist attitudes and authoritarian personality traits
  • What was one of the findings regarding authoritarian personalities from Adorno's research?
    They show contempt for the weak and focus on social status
  • What is the correlation between authoritarian personality and prejudice according to Adorno's findings?
    There is a positive correlation between authoritarian personality and prejudice
  • What conclusion can be drawn about individuals with authoritarian personalities?
    They are obedient to authority and respect authority while disdaining inferiors
  • What supporting evidence exists for the authoritarian personality theory?
    • Elms & Milgram's study found obedient participants scored higher on the F-Scale.
    • They viewed the experimenter as more admirable and the learner as less so.
    • Supports Adorno's claim that authoritarian personality increases obedience.
  • What did Milgram's evidence suggest about situational variables in relation to obedience?
    Situational variables have a greater effect on obedience than dispositional factors
  • How did Bickman's study demonstrate the influence of situational factors on obedience?
    Uniform increased obedience from 49% to 92%
  • What is a limitation of the authoritarian personality theory regarding group obedience?
    It cannot explain society-wide obedience, such as in Nazi Germany
  • What methodological weaknesses are associated with Adorno's research?
    Use of rating scales may lead to social desirability bias
  • Why might questionnaires not validly measure personality traits according to the evaluation of authoritarian personality?
    Participants may provide answers deemed socially acceptable