Validity and reliability

    Cards (15)

    • What does validity refer to in the context of testing?

      Validity refers to how accurate something is.
    • What does internal validity concern itself with?
      Internal validity is concerned with what goes on inside a study.
    • What does face validity refer to?
      Face validity refers to the extent to which a test looks like it is measuring what it claims to measure.
    • What does temporal validity refer to?
      Temporal validity refers to how behaviour can be generalised across time.
    • What does concurrent validity refer to?
      Concurrent validity refers to how well the results from a study can be generalised to external situations/populations.
    • What does reliability indicate about a test?
      Reliability indicates how consistent a test is.
    • What does internal reliability refer to?
      Internal reliability refers to different parts of a test giving consistent results.
    • What does external reliability refer to?
      External reliability refers to the test producing consistent results, regardless of when it is used.
    • What is inter-rater reliability?
      Inter-rater reliability involves two researchers comparing results using the same resources and participants.
    • What does test-re-test reliability involve?
      Test-re-test reliability involves doing the same test twice at different times.
    • What is the split half method?
      The split half method splits the test into two halves, such as odd and even numbered questions, and checks for correlation.
    • What is cultural validity?

      Behaviour that can be generalised to all cultures.
    • What is external validity?

      External validity refers to the extent to which the findings of a study can be generalized to other populations, settings, or conditions.
    • What is population validity?

      Behaviour can be generalised to everyone.
    • What is ecological validity?

      Behaviour can be generalised to real-life settings.