working memory model

Cards (8)

  • working memory model contains..
    central executive --> phonological loop --> visuo-spatial sketchpad --> episodic buffer
  • the central executive..

    monitors incoming data, and coordinates the activities of the three subsystems into memory
  • the phonological loop.. 

    deals with auditory information
  • what sections is the phonological loop divided into?
    phonological store, and the articulatory process
  • what is the phonological store which is a subsection of the phonological loop?
    it stores the words you hear
  • what is the articulatory process which is a subsection of the phonological loop?
    allows maintenance rehearsal, which repeats sounds or words in a loop to keep them in the working memory while they are needed
  • what is the capacity/duration for the sensory register?

    7+ items a time with a duration of 18-30 seconds
  • what is the capacity/duration of the LTM?

    unlimited amount of information for an unlimited period of time