Through wastewater, fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides, and soil erosion
What is one of the main impacts of agriculture on water quality?
What causes eutrophication?
Increase in nitrogen and phosphorus from slurry and fertilizers
Leads to nutrient enrichment in water bodies
What is the result of eutrophication on algae?
Itcausesalgaeblooms to increase
How does increased algae growth affect aquatic plants?
It prevents light from reaching them, leading to increased decomposition
What is the consequence of increased decomposition in water bodies?
It decreases oxygen levels
What happens to consumers in water bodies due to decreased oxygen levels?
They are reduced in number
What can occur in water bodies during the autumn season due to eutrophication?
Where do dead zones typically occur?
Near boundary points between river mouths and coastal zones
What are the three main problems caused by eutrophication?
Excessive growth of algae due to nitrogen
Negative effects on human health
Economic loss from fertilizer loss in agriculture
What are some ways to resolve eutrophication?
Use different types of fertilizers and detergents
Pump mud from eutrophic water
Remove nitrates and phosphates from water
How can barley straw help in reducing nitrate loss?
It uses nitrogen in the process of decay
What should be avoided when soils are wet to reduce nitrate loss?
Using nitrogen fertilizers
Why should nitrogen fertilizers be avoided near streams or lakes?
To prevent runoff into water bodies
What happens when grass is ploughed in relation to nitrogen?
What should be done if rain is forecast regarding fertilizer application?
Avoid applying fertilizer
What is salinization in the context of irrigation?
It is the increase of salt in the soil due to evaporation
What can cause groundwater levels to rise to the surface?
Capillary forces
What happens to soluble salts when evaporation occurs?
They are left behind, making the land toxic
What is the definition of Integrated River Basin Management (IRBM)?
IRBM is the process of coordinating conservation, management, and development of water, land, and related resources across sectors within a river basin.
What was the projected cost of salinization in San Joaquin Valley, California?
$1–1.5 billion
What is the main goal of Integrated River Basin Management (IRBM)?
To maximize economic and social benefits from water resources while preserving freshwater ecosystems.
What are the components of Integrated Drainage Basin Management (IDBM)?
Water quality
Water supply
Flood control
River channels
What are the impacts of irrigation on water quality?
Loss of aquifer capacity due to over-extraction
Reduction of the water table (e.g., 50 meters in Texas)
Decrease in the world's albedo by 10%
Increased evapotranspiration rates in summer
Increased hailstorms and tornadoes in irrigated areas
What is one method of irrigation mentioned in the study material?
Drip systems
How does successful drainage basin management operate in relation to the river?
Itworkswith the riverratherthanagainstit.
How does irrigation affect the albedo of the Earth's surface?
It reduces the world's albedo by 10%
What are the seven key elements to successful Integrated Drainage Basin Management (IDBM)?
How does increased moisture in the soil affect weather patterns in irrigated areas?
It can lead to more hailstorms and tornadoes
Why is there a need for Integrated Drainage Basin Management (IDBM) according to the WWF?
Due to the freshwater crisis and the melting of glaciers increasing river discharge.
What environmental issue is caused by the melting of glaciers in Pakistan and India?
It increases discharge in rivers.
What are glacial outburst floods?
Floods caused by failures of dams containing a glacial lake.
What impact does increased land use due to urban development have on drainage basins?
It contributes to the need for Integrated Drainage Basin Management.
How does agricultural water use affect Integrated Drainage Basin Management?
It increases the demand for water resources.
What percentage of all animals live in freshwater?
Approximately 12%.
What are some costs associated with Integrated Drainage Basin Management (IDBM)?
Costs include difficulties in stakeholder involvement and project expenses.
What are the benefits of Integrated Drainage Basin Management (IDBM)?
Helps preserve biodiversity and maintain ecosystems
Ensures sustainable water use
Minimizes risks and impacts of flooding
Provides a reliable water supply
What do flood hydrographs show?
They show how a river channel responds to a storm event.
What two variables do flood hydrographs compare?
Rainfall received during an event in mm and river discharge in m/sec (cumecs).
What are the characteristics of the rising limb in a flood hydrograph?
Indicates the speed of water increasing in the channel