Psychosexual stages

Cards (13)

  • What are the psychosexual stages of development?
    Oral, Anal, Phallic, Latency, Genital
  • What does libido refer to in the context of psychosexual development?
    Libido is the sexual energy driving development.
  • At what point in life is libido present?
    Libido is present at every life stage.
  • What characterizes normal development in psychosexual stages?
    Normal development involves passing through the conflict at each stage.
  • What does it mean to be fixated in psychosexual development?
    Being fixated means an individual is stuck at a particular stage due to unresolved conflicts.
  • What happens to an individual's libido when they are fixated?
    The individual spends life with libido focused at the stage of fixation.
  • What are the stages, ages, libidos, conflicts, and fixations in psychosexual development?
    • Oral: 0-1 years, mouth, weaning, fixation: sucking thumb, smoking & overeating
    • Anal: 2-3 years, bladder control + bowel training, fixation: anal expulsive, anal retentive
    • Phallic: 3-5 years, genitals, Oedipus complex, fixation: over-dependency on mother for gender identity
    • Latency: 6-12 years, dormant
    • Genital: 13 years +
  • What is the Oedipus Complex in boys?
    The Oedipus Complex involves the father as a threat, leading to anxiety and identification with the father.
  • What psychological outcome does a boy achieve through the Oedipus Complex?
    A boy adopts a male identity and role through the Oedipus Complex.
  • What is the Electra Complex in girls?
    The Electra Complex involves penis envy and sees the mother as a threat and rival.
  • How do girls resolve the Electra Complex?
    Girls convert their desire for a penis into a desire for a baby and identify with their mother.
  • When does the Electra and the Oedipus Complex occur in development?

    occurs during the phallic stage when the superego develops.
  • How do the Oedipus and Electra complexes differ in terms of parental relationships?
    The Oedipus Complex involves a boy's relationship with his father, while the Electra Complex involves a girl's relationship with her mother.