largely controls unconscious but vital functions including circulating blood, breathing, maintaining muscle tone, and regulating reflexes such as sneezing, coughing, and salivating.
large and deeply folded structure located next to the back surface of the brainstem. The cerebellum is critical to the coordination of movement and to the sense of equilibrium.
segment of the brainstem that lies between the hindbrain and the forebrain. Contains an area that's concerned with integrating sensory processes such as vision and hearing
runs through both the hindbrain and the midbrain. Contributes to the modulation of muscle reflexes, breathing, and pain perception. Best known for role in regulation of sleep and arousal
the center of complex thought. largest and most complex part of the human brain. includes the brain areas that are responsible for the most complex mental activities, including learning, remembering, thinking, and consciousness itself
a structure in the forebrain through which all sensory information except smell must pass to get to the cerebral cortex. plays an active role in integrating information from various senses
found near the base of the forebrain. involved in the regulation of basic biological needs. Contains various clusters of cells that have many key functions such as controlling the ANS. Also serves as a vital link between the brain and the endocrine system
loosely connected network of structures located roughly along the border between the cerebral cortex and deeper subcortical areas. Not a well defined anatomical system with clear boundaries. one of the areas in the brain that appears to be rich in pleasure centers