types of data

    Cards (11)

    • what is qualitative data
      expressed using words
    • what is a strength of qualitative data
      it tends to have external validity and offers much more detail to the researcher
    • what is a drawback of qualitative data
      it isn't very objective and isn't summarised statistically so data comparison are harder to find
    • what is quantative data
      data that is expressed numerically
    • what is a strength of quantative data
      the data is more objective and is simple to analyse
    • what is a drawback of quantative data
      it is more narrower in scope and meaning and it may not have a real life application
    • what is meant by primary data
      it refers to original data collected by the researcher - it is first hand
    • what is a strength of primary data
      it is accurate as it came from the participants themselves
    • what is meant by secondary data
      it refers to data collected by someone other than the person conducting the research
    • what is a strength of secondary data
      the data may already exist so less time is wasted on conducting research
    • what is a drawback of secondary data
      the data found may be incomplete or outdated