
    Cards (8)

    • can & should sociology be science?

    • why can't we study & predict patterns of behaviour?

      -humans have agency
      -choose how to act & react
    • what do they believe it's more interesting to study?
      -individuals subjective opinions & interpretations
      > there's no social facts to study
      > only social constructions
    • verstehen
      putting yourself in someone else's shoes
      > performed by interpretivists
    • methods used

      -unstructured interviews
      -participant observations
      -documents > diary, photographs, letters (personal)
    • Douglas' view on suicide 

      -suicide is an individual act with individual meanings
      > to understand we need to uncover these meanings
    • Douglas' view on official statistics
      -OS can't help & can't be trusted
      -they're socially constructed and don't reflect real suicide rates
      -we must use qualitative data from case studies instead
      > personal documents
      > interview people who attempted suicide
      > interview friends / relatives
    • affect of official statistics on suicide data

      -only tell us which deaths are labelled as suicide
      -label depends on interactions that take place between different social actors after death
      > coroner
      > relatives
      > doctors
      > friends