act 2 and three

Cards (36)

  • a captain gives an honest account of how courageous Macbeth is
  • what does this tell us - unseemed from the nave to the chops
    Macbeth treats the traitor like an object as he is unseeming them like you would when you are knitting
  • unseemed from the nave to the chops
    nave - belly button
  • unseemed from the nave to the chops
    chops - jaw
  • macbeth is on his way home from the battle when he gets given some predictions by the witches again
  • what are the three predictions given to Macbeth by the witches 

    thane of glamis , thane of cawdor and king of hereafter
  • banquo gets the witches to tell him his and it is: 

    his children will be king
  • A messenger comes and tells Macbeth that he has become thane of cawdor
  • "two truths are told as happy prologue"
  • what is the technique used in this quote - two truths are told as happy prologue 

    soliloquy - he says this aside , only the audience can hear him
  • lady macbeth says that macbeth will still be what he was promised (king) by the witches
  • what can we infer from the quote come unsex me here 

    she wants to be strong enough to help her husband get what he was promised by the witches (as she is a woman she shouldnt have much power and therefore carnt help macbeth in getting to his goal of becoming king.)
  • what doe this quote tell us about lady macbeth - come unsex me here 

    she wants macbeth to become evil and she wants his dark sie to come out so they will be sucsessfull in killing the king (duncan)
  • A common though and interpretation of lady macbeth in the play is that she defines gender roles for the Jacobean era and she is almost a man with her social status - what is another interpretation of lady macbeth that we might possibly be able to think about 

    That she is actually forming to the gender roles in the Jacobean era as they wanted woman to help their husband in any way necessary and that is what she is doing and this can be seen in the quote - come unsex me here
  • look like the innocent flower but be the serpent underneath
  • what does this quote tell us - look like the innocent flower but be the serpent underneath
    lady macbeth is encouraging macbeth to be diseptive
  • what is the structure in this quote - look like the innocent flower but be the serpent underneath
    in this scene lady macbeth speaks way more than macbeth. This can show us that lady macbeth has more control in this situation that macbeth , this would be uncommon for the time period
  • macbeth hallucinates the dagger before they kill king Duncan
  • the dagger that macbeth hallucinates travels towards him when he is peaking to banquo and then turns bloody - what could this mean

    that macbeth is already feeling guilt for his actions
  • the dagger that macbeth hallucinates travels towards him when he is peaking to banquo and then turns bloody - what could this mean

    thje 'bloody' dagger could mean how macbeth is already turning corrupt , bloody and feels his guilt about what they did to duncan before its even happened
  • we dont actually see duncans murder on stage
  • after duncans murder macbeth is still carrying the bloody daggers around with him because of how in shock he is
  • after the murder lady macbeth gives macbeth loads of instructions on what to do and asks him lots of questions
    this shows how power over macbeth
  • when lady macbeth is planting the daggers she smears the blood of duncan on the guards to make it look like they did the murder
  • after lady macbeth is done planting the daggers and blood on the guards she says that 'a little water clears us of this deed' where as macbeth wonders 'will all great Neptune ocean wash this blood clean from my hands' - Neptune is the god of the seas so macbeth is saying that there is no amount of water can not cleans his crime 

    Shakespeare uses water as a motif to show macbeth and lady Macbeth's differentiating reactions when talking about how easy it is to forget and be forgived for the murder the committed
  • when Macduff goes to wake up Duncan he is dead what quote does he use when describing Duncan death 

    most sacrilegious murder hath broke ope , the lords anointed temple - shows macduffs true belief in the divine right and his use of religious imagery shows how macduff feels like god has been murdered foreshadows what is going to happen the lady macbeth and macbeth
  • macbeth kills who 

    the guards
  • lady macbeth questions macbeth about killing the guards
  • everyone knows that Macbeth killed the guard and they suspect either lady macbeth or Macbeth to have killed king Duncan
  • after the murder Duncan's sons move apart from each other , one goes to Ireland and one goes to Scotland
  • after the murder Duncan's sons move apart from each other , one goes to Ireland and one goes to Scotland - why do they do this 

    to be safer as they know that who ever killed their dad could be after them
  • nature stars going crazy as an old man describes an eagle getting eaten by an owl horses eating each other
  • in banquos soliloquie he tells the audience that he suspects macbeth to have killed the king
  • macbeth now sees banquo as an enemy as he thinks that banquo stole his prophecies from the witches
  • upon my head they placed a fruitless crown what does this suggest
    that macbeth doesnt want the king title now if banquos sons will get it by killing macbeth
  • macbeth decides that he has to kill banquo as he is his biggest threat now