the behaviourist approach

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  • Who are often considered the first truly scientific psychologists?
    The behaviorists
  • Why do behaviorists focus on observable phenomena?
    Because they can only study what can be observed objectively
  • What is the relationship between stimulus and response in behaviorism?
    A stimulus leads to a response from the creature
  • What is a significant limitation of the behaviorist approach?
    It ignores internal mental processes
  • What are the three features of the Psych Boost app?
    Flashcards, multiple choice quizzes, and key term tester
  • What are the defining features of the behaviorist approach?
    • Focus on observable behavior
    • Study of stimulus-response mechanisms
    • Belief that behavior is learned through interaction with the environment
  • What is classical conditioning also known as?
    Learning by association
  • Who developed the theory of classical conditioning?
    Ivan Pavlov
  • How does classical conditioning explain the development of a phobia of bees?
    A bee becomes a conditioned stimulus after being paired with the pain of a sting
  • What is operant conditioning?
    Learning through the consequences of voluntary behavior
  • What is positive reinforcement?
    The addition of a pleasant stimulus to increase behavior
  • How did Skinner demonstrate operant conditioning with rats?
    By using a Skinner box where rats learned to press a lever for food
  • What is the difference between positive and negative punishment?
    Positive punishment adds an unpleasant stimulus, while negative punishment removes a pleasant stimulus
  • What is extinction in the context of operant conditioning?
    It is the process where behavior stops when consequences cease
  • What is behavior shaping?
    A process of rewarding simple behaviors and then more complex behaviors
  • What are the key differences between classical and operant conditioning?
    • Classical conditioning involves involuntary responses; operant conditioning involves voluntary behaviors.
    • Classical conditioning explains how responses are acquired; operant conditioning explains how responses are maintained.
  • How does avoidance of a phobia relate to negative reinforcement?
    Avoiding the phobia decreases anxiety, reinforcing the avoidance behavior
  • What are the strengths of the behaviorist approach?
    • Focus on objective observation
    • Ability to demonstrate cause and effect relationships
    • High replicability of research methods
  • Why do behaviorists primarily use animal participants in their research?
    To fully control the environment and conduct experiments not possible with humans
  • What is a major criticism of generalizing behaviorist findings to humans?
    Humans have more complex social lives and cultural influences
  • What are some real-life applications of behaviorism?
    • Counter conditioning treatments
    • Token economies in prisons
    • Classroom management techniques
  • What ethical concerns arise from using behaviorism to control human behavior?
    It can be seen as manipulative
  • How can behaviorism be criticized for being reductionist?
    It oversimplifies behavior to stimulus-response links, ignoring other explanations
  • What are some alternative explanations for behavior that behaviorism ignores?
    Social learning, the unconscious mind, and biological factors
  • What are the limitations of the behaviorist approach?
    • Overly reductionist
    • Ethical concerns in controlling behavior
    • Limited generalizability to human behavior