
Cards (26)

  • causes - supernatural
    God - punishing sinners
    devil - testing faith
    astrology - position of the planets effects health (zodiacs)
  • causes - rational
    miasma - corruption of air
    4 humours - yellow bile (vomit), black bile (poo), phlegm, blood -- ideas from Hippocrates and Galen
  • Hippocrates
    ancient greek
    observed that when patients were ill liquid (humours) came out of them
    imbalance in humours = illness - doctors could rebalance humours
  • Galen
    ancient Roman
    thought the imbalance humours should be treated by opposites -- too much phlegm = eat a hot pepper
    wrote 60 books
    anatomy - proved the brain controlled the body by dissecting a pig - so some of his findings were wrong
    church supported his ideas as the 'design' idea sounded like God designed it
  • Treatments - supernatural :(

    touch the king
    flagellants - people would whip themselves
    fast - go without food
    where charms - scare devil
  • treatments - rational :(
    herbal remedies from Materia Medica - only some worked
    purged - make you vomit
    urine chart
  • treatments - rational :)
    doctors cauterised wounds - stopped bleeding
    bath to balance 4 humours
  • Preventions - supernatural - :(
    consult a zodiac chart before doing things
  • preventions - rational - :(
    disguise bad smells with herbs
    4 humour balance through diet and weather
    apothecary or women healer for potion - Materia Medica
  • preventions - rational - :)
    keep clean - Regimen Sanitates - health plan, moderation
    gov tried to clean streets (limited success)
  • Medics - Physicians - :(

    studied at universities - Galen + Hippocrates ideas to explain disease
    didn't know a lot about the body - dissection=banned
    4 humours - based treatments off
    Astrology + Bloodletting - used for treatments
    urine charts to diagnose
    herbal remedies
  • Medics - Apothecary
    learnt from a master apothecary
    mixed herbal remedies + made medicine from Materia Media - :(
    gave advice
    cheaper the Physician
  • Medics - Barber surgeon
    learnt from a master barber surgeon
    methods = anatomy
    highly skilled
    cheaper then physicians
    Problem = pain, bleeding, infection - :(
  • Hospitals
    Ran by the Church!
    30% ran by monks and nuns
    number increased due to endowment (money left in wills)
    people funded so they would go to heaven
    most people treated at home!
  • how did hospitals help-
    • some hospitals specialised - eg maternity
    • nuns made sure people were clean, warm and fed
  • how hospitals didn't help -
    • refused people if they looked infectious
    • didn't look after patients - prayed for them instead
    • priests said masses for patients everyday
    • no doctors (physicians)
    • mostly took old and weak people in - not ill
    • refused entry of wounded and crippled
    • some wouldn't accept children and pregnant women
    • nuns gave out herbal remedies, only some worked
  • Factors
    • very religious society - church controlled and spread the wrong ideas
    • gov was weaker then the church
    • individuals = Galen + Hippocrates
    • lack/undeveloped technology - couldn't find evidence for theories
  • Black Death - Case study
    1348 - 1350
    • black death killed 1.5 million out of 4 million (40% of the population)
    • affected rich and poor
    • affected towns more then the countryside
    • hit England 4 times during the century
  • Black Death - reasons for (all inaccurate) - rational
    4 humours
    Earthquake from 1347 released illness from Earth - miasma
    Jews poisoned wells
  • Black Death - reasons for (all inaccurate) - supernatural
    astrology - Jupiter, Saturn and Mars = too close
    due to God punishing the sins of mankind
  • Black Death - Treatments - Supernatural - :(

    church leaders begged God to stop
    made candles and lit them as an offer to God
  • Black Death - Treatments - Rational - :(

    in Germany they burnt Jews
    avoid eating/drinking too much
    breath perfume
    light fire in cold weather + eat cold food in hot weather
  • Black Death - Preventions - supernatural - :(

    pray, fast, flagellants, pilgrimage
    local authorities would put in 40 day quarantine but church services continued, so this was ineffective (right idea ignored!)
  • Black death - Preventions - Rational - :(

    carry posy, herbs, flowers
    avoid baths (believed it opened pores for the disease)
    local authorities stopped cleaning streets - believed foul smell would drive off the miasma
  • Black death - preventions
    rich = leave infected areas -:)
    not visit infected people - :)
    doctors said avoid anything sad - :(
  • the black death tells us that
    a - medical understanding about the causes of disease was; miasma, planets being too close, God punishing sinners and Jews poisoning their drinking water. Their knowledge = non-existent
    b - medical treatments did not work
    c - most medieval preventions were not helpful, although some ideas were helpful (eg, quarantine and leaving infected areas). However, the quarantine was ignored because people wanted to go to church.