Louis Pasteur

Cards (6)

  • scientists not a doctor
  • 1850
    brewery asked why beer was bad -> used a microscope and found a particular organism growing quickly - GERMINATING.
    he developed the idea that GERMS CAUSED the problem
    he solved it by boiling the germs (killing them) - PASTEURISATION
  • 1860
    French academy wanted to disprove spontaneous generation
    1861 - he proved GERM THEORY was correct -> microorganisms fall from the air and cause decay:
    1. the air contains germs
    2. the germs are not evenly distributed in the air
    3. germs cause decay
    4. germs can be killed by killing them
  • he wondered if germs could go into the body, grow and cause disease
    the french silk industry was being ruined by a disease affecting the silkworm - Pasteur investigated -> he found a particular group of germs were causing the infection
  • book - Germ Theory of Infection in 1878
  • low impact on GB in 1860-70
    • he was french - british hated the french
    • was a scientist not a doctor
    • people listened to Dr Henry Bastion - HE WAS WRONG