breweryasked why beer was bad -> used a microscope and found a particularorganism growing quickly - GERMINATING.
he developed the idea that GERMSCAUSED the problem
he solved it by boiling the germs (killingthem) - PASTEURISATION
French academywanted to disprovespontaneousgeneration
1861 - he provedGERMTHEORY was correct -> microorganismsfall from the air and causedecay:
the aircontainsgerms
the germsarenotevenlydistributed in the air
germscan be killed by killingthem
he wondered if germs could go into the body, grow and causedisease
the frenchsilkindustry was being ruined by a diseaseaffecting the silkworm - Pasteurinvestigated -> he found a particulargroup of germs were causing the infection