
Cards (9)

  • 19th century
    • audience of trainees
    • no gloves, no masks, no gowns
    • unsterilised equipment
    blood loss
    • death from shock - patient aware
    • movement
    • quick opperations
  • how was the problem of pain solved (totally)
    • nitrous oxide - numbed the pain for SMALL operations
    • 1842-46 = ether - Robert Liston used before amputating a leg - but it irritated lungs -> cough -> dangerous(movement) also explosive
    • James Simpson - chloroform
  • how was the problem of infection solved (totally)

    longer operations = higher rick of infection
    before 1860 (+acceptance of germ theory) surgeons had no precautions to infections - reused bandages, didn't wash hands, wore dirty clothes and had an audience in operating theatres
  • how was the problem of infection solved (totally)

    Joseph Lister-
    • surgeon in 19th century
    • researched infection
    • used new scientific developments to improve medicine
    • CARBOLIC ACID - treated sewage -> decided to spray on wound during surgery and then used a clean bandage (dipped in carbolic acid) -- this decreased infection rate and increased survival
  • carbolic acid - opposed
    it burnt surgeons hands
    unpleasant to work with
    Lister couldn't explain why it worked
  • how was the problem of infection solved (totally)

    1890 - aseptic surgery -> instead of killing the bacteria, stop it getting into the body.
    1900 - steralise equipment, operating theatres = spotless, surgeons wore gloves, gowns and masks
  • once koch discovered bacteria caused blood poisoning LISTERS IDEAS WERE TAKEN SERIOUSLY
    he changed surgery because:
    • he changed surgeons attitudes to aseptic(no germs) and antiseptic(kill germs) surgery
    • rubber gloves, masks and gowns were introduced
    • instruments and operating theatres were cleaned
  • Bleeding
    surgeons still needed to know how to:
    • stop bleeding
    • replace blood
    • find out about blood types
    • how to store blood
    (20th century)
  • joseph lister used carbolic acid as an antiseptic which reduced infection rates during surgery