nitrousoxide - numbed the pain for SMALLoperations
1842-46 = ether - RobertListon used beforeamputating a leg - but it irritatedlungs -> cough -> dangerous(movement) alsoexplosive
JamesSimpson - chloroform
how was the problem of infectionsolved (totally)
longeroperations = higherrick of infection
before 1860 (+acceptance of germtheory) surgeons had noprecautions to infections - reusedbandages, didn'twashhands, woredirtyclothes and had an audience in operatingtheatres
how was the problem of infectionsolved (totally)
surgeon in 19thcentury
used newscientificdevelopments to improvemedicine
CARBOLICACID - treatedsewage -> decided to spray on woundduringsurgery and then used a cleanbandage (dipped in carbolicacid) -- this decreasedinfectionrate and increasedsurvival
carbolicacid - opposed
it burntsurgeonshands
unpleasant to workwith
Listercouldn'texplainwhy it worked
how was the problem of infectionsolved (totally)
1890 - asepticsurgery -> instead of killing the bacteria, stop it gettinginto the body.
1900 - steraliseequipment, operatingtheatres = spotless, surgeonsworegloves, gowns and masks
once kochdiscoveredbacteria caused bloodpoisoningLISTERSIDEASWERETAKENSERIOUSLY
he changedsurgery because:
he changed surgeonsattitudes to aseptic(nogerms) and antiseptic(killgerms) surgery
rubbergloves, masks and gowns were introduced
instruments and operatingtheatres were cleaned
surgeons still needed to know how to:
find out aboutblood types
how to storeblood
(20th century)
josephlister used carbolicacid as an antiseptic which reducedinfectionratesduringsurgery