
Cards (4)

  • small pox - before vaccines
    INNOCULATION - infected person deliberately infected a healthy person
    problems = it increased the amount of people who had the virus - some people spread it, some people died
  • Edward Jenner - cowpox
    1798 - milkmaids get cowpox - they don't get small pox
    tested on an 8year old - work -> tested it on 23 people = worked
    1798 - Vaccinations
  • edward Jenner - vaccinations
    1798 - paliment gave him £30,000 to open a vaccination clinic
    1852 - gov made them compulsory
    initially they were opposed - your deliberately giving yourself a cow disease, jenner couldn't prove why it worked, dangerous(people mixed up smallpox and cowpox)
  • vaccines further developed
    pasteur - specific microbes could be isolated then vacinated
    1829 - weakend strands of chicken cholera -> stopped chicked getting infected
    Koch + Behring - inspired by Pasteur to find vaccines for humans