Cards (55)

  • What does the term "aberrant" mean?
    Different from what is normal or expected.
  • What is the definition of "abject"?
    Very bad, hopeless, or miserable.
  • What does "abjure" mean?
    To firmly say you’re not going to do or believe something anymore.
  • What is "abnegation"?
    Choosing to give up something for others or a greater purpose.
  • What does "abrogate" mean?
    To officially end or cancel something.
  • What is the meaning of "abscond"?
    To run away secretly, usually to avoid getting caught.
  • What does "abstemious" refer to?
    Being careful not to eat or drink too much.
  • What does "abstruse" mean?
    Difficult to understand because it’s so complex or complicated.
  • What does "accede" mean?
    To agree to something, often after being asked.
  • What is the definition of "accost"?
    To approach and speak to someone in an aggressive or surprising way.
  • What does "accretion" refer to?
    The gradual growth or increase of something by adding more to it.
  • What does "acerbic" mean?
    Sharp, harsh, or bitter in tone, taste, or personality.
  • What is "acquiescence"?

    Quietly agreeing or going along with something.
  • What does "acrimonious" mean?
    Bitter and angry, especially in a conversation or argument.
  • What is the meaning of "acrid"?
    Having a strong, harsh, or unpleasant smell or taste.
  • What does "acumen" refer to?
    The ability to make good, smart decisions quickly.
  • What does "adamant" mean?
    Stubborn and unwilling to change your mind.
  • What is the definition of "admonish"?
    To warn or gently scold someone for doing something wrong.
  • What does "adumbrate" mean?
    To hint or lightly outline something that will happen in the future.
  • What does "affluent" refer to?
    Having a lot of money or wealth.
  • What does "aggrandize" mean?
    To make something seem greater or more important than it is.
  • What is "alacrity"?
    Excited eagerness or cheerful readiness to do something.
  • What does "alias" mean?
    A fake name used by a person.
  • What is the definition of "altruism"?
    The desire to help others without expecting anything in return.
  • What does "amalgamation" refer to?
    The act of combining two or more things into one.
  • What does "ambivalent" mean?
    Having mixed feelings or being uncertain about something.
  • What is "ameliorate"?
    To make something better or improve it.
  • What does "amenable" mean?
    Willing to agree or do what is asked.
  • What is the definition of "amorphous"?
    Having no clear shape or structure.
  • What does "anachronistic" mean?
    Belonging to a different time period, often out of place in the present.
  • What is "anathema"?
    Something or someone that is deeply disliked or hated.
  • What does "annex" mean?
    To add on or take over, especially land or buildings.
  • What is the definition of "anodyne"?
    Something that calms pain or makes people feel better.
  • What does "anthropological" refer to?
    Related to the study of human cultures and societies.
  • What does "antithetical" mean?
    Completely opposite or contrasting.
  • What is "apathy"?
    Lack of interest or emotion about something.
  • What does "aphorism" mean?
    A short, clever saying that gives a piece of advice or wisdom.
  • What is "aplomb"?
    Confidence and calmness, especially in difficult situations.
  • What does "apocryphal" mean?
    Something widely believed to be true but isn’t.
  • What is the definition of "apotheosis"?
    The perfect or best example of something; becoming like a god.