definitions of abnormality

Cards (15)

  • what are the 4 definitions of abnormality?
    Statistical infrequency
    Deviation from social norms
    Failure to function adequately
    Deviation from ideal mental health
  • what is statistical infrequency?
    occurs when an individuals has less common characteristics using statistics to define what is normal and abnormal
  • what is a strength of using statistical infrequency to define abnormality?
    used in clinical practices as a part of formal diagnosis and to assess the severity of symptoms
    shows the value of statistical infrequency in diagnostic and assessment processes
  • what is a limitation of using statistical infrequency to define abnormality
    for example having a high IQ or a low depression score on BDI is a good thing but would be classed as statistically abnormal despite being desirable
  • what is deviation from social norms?
    behaviour that is different from the accepted behaviour in a community/society
  • what is a strength of deviation from social norms to define abnormality?
    used in clinical practice eg. the key defining characteristic of antisocial personality disorder is failure to conform to culturally acceptable ethical behaviour --> recklessness, aggression
    shows that social norms have value in psychiatry
  • what is a limitation of deviation from social norms to define abnormality?
    huge variation between social norms in different cultures + situations
    for example hearing voices/messages from ancestors is considered normal in some cultures but would be considered abnormal in the UK
  • what is failure to function adequately?

    occurs when someone is unable to cope with ordinary demands of day-to-day living.
  • what are 2 signs someone is failing to function adequately?
    - unable to maintain basic nutrition + hygiene
    - no longer conforms to standard interpersonal rules (eg. eye contact, personal space)
    - unable to maintain relationships
    - displays irrational behaviour
  • what is a strength of failure to function adequately to define abnormality?
    - the point where we fail to function adequately is when people seek professional help / are noticed and referred for help --> meaning treatment + services can be targeted to those who need it
  • what is a limitation of failure to function adequately to define abnormality?

    - easy to label non-standard lifestyle choices as abnormal + someone may have chosen to make unusual choices eg. high risk leisure activities (irrational behaiour) or be a closed off person (failure to maintain relationships)
  • what is deviation from ideal mental health?
    occurs when someone doesn't meet a set of criteria for good mental health
  • what are the 6 categories identified by Jahoda that enable an individual to feel happy and behave competently?
    >> self-attitudes - having high self-esteem and a strong sense of identity
    >> personal growth
    >> integration - such as being able to cope in stressful situations
    >> autonomy - being independent and self-regulating
    >> having an accurate perception of reality
    >> mastery of environment - having the ability to love/function at work and interpersonal relationships, adjust to new situations and solve problems
  • what is a strength of deviation from ideal mental health to define abnormality?
    identifies what the patient needs to be doing in order healthy/normal therefore telling them how to improve --> can lead more easily to practical help for the individual
  • what is a limitation of deviation from ideal mental health to define abnormality?
    - different elements are not equally applicable across a range of cultures --> some of the criteria are located in the context of EU and US which makes it hard to apply the concept of ideal mental health from one culture to another