behavioural, emotional and cognitive characterisitcs

Cards (12)

  • what is a phobia?
    an irrational fear of an object / situation
  • what are the behavioural characteristics of phobias? (3)
    p panic
    a avoidance
    e endurance
  • what are the emotional characteristics of phobias? (3)
    a anxiety
    f fear
    u unreasonable emotional response (reaction is disproportionate to the situation)
  • what are the cognitive characteristics of phobias? (3)
    s selective attention to the stimulus
    I irrational thoughts / beliefs
    c cognitive distortions
  • what is depression?
    a mental illness characterised by low mood and energy levels
  • what are the behavioural characteristics of depression? (3)
    a activity levels (extra high / unusually low)
    d disruption to sleeping or eating
    a aggression and self harm
  • what are the emotional characteristics of depression? (3)
    l low mood
    a anger
    l low self esteem
  • what are the cognitive characteristics of depression? (3)
    p poor concentration
    d dwelling on the negative
    a absolutist thinking
  • what is OCD?
    a condition characterised by obsessions and/or compulsive behaviour
  • what are behavioural characteristics of OCD? (3)
    r repetitive compulsions
    c compulsions reduce anxiety (eg. constantly checking the oven is switched off)
    a avoidance
  • what are the emotional characteristics of OCD? (3)
    a anxiety and distress
    a accompanying depression
    g guilt and disgust
  • what are the cognitive characteristics of OCD? (3)
    o obsessive thoughts
    c cognitive coping strategies
    i insight into excessive anxiety