cognitive explanations and treatments for depression

Cards (19)

  • what are the two cognitive explanations for depression?
    Beck's negative triad
    Ellis's ABC model
  • outline Beck's negative triad as an explanation for depression
    - it is a persons cognition's that create vulnerability to depression - Beck suggested there were 3 parts to this cognitive vulnerability
    - focusing on the negative
    - will interpret all info about themselves in a negative way
    - Beck suggested that a person develops a dysfunctional view of the world because of 3 types of negative thinking that occur automatically regardless of the reality happening at the time: negative view of the WORLD, the FUTURE and the SELF
  • give 2 strengths of Beck's negative triad as an explanation of depression
    - Clark + Beck (1999) concluded that cognitive vulnerabilities precede depression which was backed by Cohen et al. (2019) in another study
    - applications in screening and testing for depression to identify those most a risk of developing depression so they can be monitored and then target vulnerabilities in CBT
  • outline Ellis's ABC model as an explanation for depression
    - Ellis proposed that depression occurs when an ACTIVATING EVENT triggers an irrational BELIEF which produces a CONSEQUENCE --> ABC model shows how irrational thoughts affect our behaviour and emotional state

    - ACTIVATING EVENT: Ellis focused on situations were irrational thoughts are triggered by external events - negative event -->irrational thoughts --> depression
    - BELIEFS: identified a range of irrational beliefs that lead us to overreact to the activating event
    CONSEQUENCE: emotional and behavioural consequences from the reaction to the negative event --> depression
  • what is the belief that we must always succeed called?
  • what is the belief that life must always be fair known as?
  • name one strength of Ellis's ABC model
    - in the psychological treatment of depression
    - Ellis's approach to cognitive therapy REBT --> arguing with the deressed person to make them see that their beliefs are irrational
    - support from David et all (2018)
  • name one limitation of Ellis's ABC model
    doesn't explain all types of depression --> only reactive and not endogenous
    --> not all depression is explained by a traceable life event
    --> therefore is only a partial explanation
  • what is cognitive behaviour therapy?
    a means of treating mental disorders based on cognitive and behavioural techniques
  • what is the cognitive element of CBT?
    the therapist works with the client to help them identify negative thoughts that are contributing to their problems
  • what is the behavioural element of CBT?
    encourages patients to test their beliefs through behavioural experiments and homework
  • what is beck's cognitive therapy?
    identifies and challenges the negative triad
    client as scientist --> where the client tests the reality of their irrational beliefs outside therapy to challenge thoughts
  • what is REBT?
    rational emotive behavior therapy
  • what is Ellis's REBT therapy?
    extension of the ABC model to the ABCDE model - Dispute, Effect
    - REBT challenges the irrational thoughts with the intended effect to be to change the belief and break the link between negative life events and depression
  • what is empirical argument?
    disputing whether there is actual evidence to support the negative belief
  • what is logical argument?
    disputing whether the negative thought logically follows from the facts
  • what is behavioural activation?
    therapist encourages patient to engage in enjoyable activities or exercise to provide more evidence for irrational nature of beliefs
  • give one strength of CBT as a way for treating depression?
    lots of studies showing support
    March at al (2007) found CBT was just as effective as antidepressants
    also is cost effective as only takes a few sessions (6-12)
  • give one limitation for CBT as a treatment for depression?
    ineffective for clients with learning difficulties or severe cases
    in some cases depression may be so severe that clients can't be motivated to engage with the cognitive work
    some people are unable to take part in talking therapies
    cognitive work could be too challenging