Skinner (1938)

Cards (4)

  • Method
    • Skinner created a 'skinner box' in which placed one hungry rat at a time
    • the box contained a lever, speaker, lights, electric shock floor and a food dispenser
    • the time taken for the rats to press the lever (which would release food) would be recorded
    • he also carried out variations using negative reinforcement where the rat would learn to press the lever to stop an electric shock
  • Results
    • initially, the rat would run around the box until it accidentally pressed the lever to release the reward
    • each time the rat was put in the box, it got quicker at learning to press the lever
  • Conclusion
    Rats can learn behaviour through operant conditioning - a behaviour such as pressing the lever can produce a positive reward (positive reinforcement)
  • Evaluation
    • Skinner's experiment has been hugely influential in promoting the idea of behavioural psychology
    • however, the use of animals means results are not generalisable
    • his sample was also small, so therefore not reliable