Cards (14)

    • What is self disclosure?
      Revealing personal information about yourself. Romantic partners reveal more about their true selves as their relationship develops
    • Self disclosures about one’s deepest thoughts and feelings can strengthen a romantic bond when used appropriately
    • Who suggested social penetration theory?
      Altman and Taylor
    • What is social penetration theory?

      Theory that explains how relationships develop and deepen through self disclosure and sharing of personal information.
    • How does social penetration theory apply to romantic relationships?
      Reciprocal exchange of information between intimate partners. Reveal of personal information which signals trust. The other partner must reveal sensitive information to go further
    • As more and more is disclosed, romantic patterns ‘penetrate’ more deeply into each other’s lives gaining a greater understanding of each other
    • What are the two elements of self disclosure?
      Breadth and depth
    • As breadth and depth increases, romantic partners become more committed to each other
    • What metaphors does Altman and Taylor use to describe breadth and depth of self disclosure?
    • Why is breadth of disclosure narrow?
      Many topics are off limits in the early stages of the relationship. If we reveal too much too soon, we might get the response ‘TMI’, possibly even threatening the relationships before its had a chance to develop
    • As a relationship develops, self disclosure becomes deeper, progressively removing more and more layers to reveal our true selves and encompassing a wider range of topics, especially concerning things that matter most to us. Eventually we are prepared to reveal intimate, high-risk information like painful memories + experiences, strongly held beliefs and even secrets
    • What is depenetration?

      Dissatisfied partners self disclose less as they gradually disengage from the relationship
    • Reid and Shaver point out that for a relationship to develop, as well as an increase in breadth and depth, there needs to be a reciprocal element to disclosure
    • There is a balance of self discourse between both partners in a successful romantic relationship which increases the feelings of intimacy and deepens the relationship