Research methods

    Cards (113)

    • Aim and Hypothesis
      Aim: An idea of what the study is trying to achieve
      Hypothesis: A prediction of what we expect to find

      E.g Aim: To find out if alcohol effects driving
      Hypothesis: The more alcohol in your system the worse your driving ability will be
    • IV, D.V, C,V
      I.V= The variable we adjust/change
      D.V= The variable we measure
      C.V= The variable we control
    • Directional and non-directional hypothesis
      Directional- specific about whether the change will be an increase or decrease (there's prior research)

      Non-directional- certain about difference but no the direction of the difference between the DV and two conditions (used when there is no prior research)

      Examples of directional:
      - there will be a significant increase in maths test outcomes when jazz music is played compared to pop music

      Examples of non-directional:
      - there will be a significant difference between the test scores when jazz music is played compared to pop music
    • Null hypothesis and a Alternative/experimental hypothesis
      Null hypothesis: One variable doesnt affect the other variable.

      Alternative/experimental hypothesis: One variable does affect the other variable.
    • Operationalisation of variables
      Variables in every experiment must be clearly defined, this means we must make it measurable.

      E.g Watching violent televison gives kids nightmares.

      Watching 2-4 hours of violent television can make kids wake up more times during the night.

      E.g Children who read aloud to an adult for 15 minutes a day will have higher scores on a reading test than children who do
      not read aloud to an adult.
    • Field experiment
      An experiment set up in the real world, usually with participants who are not aware that they are in a study of any kind. The researcher manipulates the I.V to record the D.V

      For example: Researchers tested whether
      participants were more likely to
      obey someone's orders if they
      were dressed as a guard. A
      confederate dressed as a
      guard, milkman or casual and
      asked passers-by to pick up

      + Participants behavior more natural
      + High external validity
      - Loss of control of extraneous variables
      - Ethical issues
    • Lab experiment
      An experiment that takes place in a controlled environment where the researcher manipulates the IV and records the effect on the DV while maintaining strict control of extraneous variables.

      For example: Researchers want to
      measure the physiological
      response of participants to a
      range of stimuli, e.g. bright
      light, loud noise and
      electric shock.

      + Well controlled
      + Can be easily replicated
      + Higher internal validity (Extraneous variables controlled)
      - Artificial situation
      - Participant's may change there behavior
    • Natural experiment
      An experiment where the I.V is not manipulated as the IV is not caused by the researcher as it already exists. The researcher records the effect on the DV.

      For example: Researchers are interested in how
      parenting styles influence the
      mental health of children. They take
      advantage of 2 different cultures
      that use different parenting styles
      and then measure the differences in
      the mental health of children.

      + Enables researches to study real life
      + Less ethical issues as the I.V isn't manipulated
      - May only happen rarely
      - Cannot demonstrate a casual relationship between the I.V and the D.V
      - Random allocation of participants not possible.
      - Lack of control over extraneous variables.
    • Quasi-experiment
      An experiment that takes place in a lab setting however the I.V is not manipulated as they already exist. The researcher then records the D.V

      For example: Researchers want to
      compare older and younger
      participants' ability to solve
      word search puzzles.

      + Well controlled
      + Can be easily replicated
      + Higher internal validity (Extraneous variables controlled)
      + Allows comparisons between different people
      - Artificial situation
      - Participant's may change there behavior
      - Random allocation of participants not possible
    • Confounding variables
      When extraneous variables do have an affect on the dv.
    • Demand characteristics
      Participants changing there behaviour within the research if they know the purpose of the experiment
    • Investigator effects
      Any effects of the investigators behaviour on the research outcome. This may include the design of the experiment, instructions, materials, selection of participants or interaction with participants. You could get someone else to run the experiment that does know the purpose of the research.
    • 2 ways of controlling extraneous variables
      1. Standardised procedures (doing the same procedure with every participant)

      2. Randomisation (randomly allocating to avoid individual differences)
    • Experimental Design
      A experiment must have at least two conditions but
      they can be arranged in a variety of ways.
    • Repeated measures
      The same participants take part in both conditions.

      + Cost effective
      + No individual differences/ participant variables
      - Order effects (gives them practice, makes them bored or tired, allows them to work out the goal of the study)

      Solution: Counterbalancing (ensures that each condition in a repeated measures design is tested first or second in equal amounts)
    • Independent groups design
      An experimental design in which participants are each different condition and only do one condition.

      + No order effects
      - The individual characteristics affect the d.v

      (Solution: Random allocation)
    • Matched pairs
      Participants are each in a different condition and only do one condition, but are matched on key characteristics.

      + no order effects
      + no demand characteristics
      - time consuming
      - Match is rarely possible
      - Not possible to control all particpant variables
    • Target population and the sample
      The target population is the group of people the researcher is
      interested in studying. The sample is drawn from the target
    • Random sampling
      This is a sampling technique which is defined as a sample in which every member of the population has an equal chance of being chosen.

      + Free from researcher bias
      - Difficult and time consuming
      - Sometimes a random sample may still be unrepresentative (coincidences)
      -Selected participants may refuse to take part
    • Systematic sampling
      This is when every nth member of the target population is selected, for example every 5th house on a street or every 3rd pupil on a school register.

      + Avoid researcher bias
      + Usually fairly representative
      - You could get an all male/ female group if unlucky
    • Stratified sampling
      Stratified sampling involves classifying the population into
      subgroups and then choosing a sample which
      consists of participants from each in the same proportions as
      they are in the population.

      + Avoids researcher bias
      + Sample is representative
      - Cannot reflect all the ways people are different
    • Opportunity sampling
      Opportunity sampling is the sampling technique most used by
      psychology students. It consists of taking the sample from
      people who are available at the time the study is carried out.

      + Convenient
      + Saves the researcher time and effort
      + Less costly
      - Unrepresentative
      - Researcher bias
    • Volunteer sampling
      Volunteer sampling consists of participants becoming part of a study because they volunteer when asked or in response to an advert.

      + Easy and less time consuming for the researcher
      - Volunteer bias
    • DRIPPD
      Right to withdraw
      Informed consent
      Protection from harm
      Privacy and confidentiality
    • Informed consent
      Informed consent involves making participants aware of the aims of the research, the procedures their rights (to withdraw) and what their data will be used for. We ask this by sending a consent letter.
    • Pilot study
      A pilot study is a small-scale trial run of the actual investigation. A pilot study allows the research to identify any potential issues and to modify the design or procedure, saving time and money in the long run.
    • Single blind procedure
      The participant is not told the aims of the experiment or if there are any other conditions.
      This is to control demand characteristics.
    • Double blind procedure
      Neither the participants nor the researcher is aware of the aims.
      This is to control both demand characteristics and investigator effects.
    • Participant observation
      As the researcher, you are actively involved in the groups activities as well as making a record of what you see.
    • Non participant observation
      You watch and record what is happening but are not involved in the groups activities.
    • Overt observation
      The group you are observing know why you are there and
      what you are doing.
    • Covert observation
      You are undercover and the group are not aware of the fact
      that you are observing them.
    • Naturalistic observations
      Take place in the setting where the behaviour would normally occur.
    • Controlled observations
      Watching and recording a behaviour in a structured
      environment where some variables are changed.
    • Behaviour categories
      When a target behaviour is broken up into components that are observable and measurable. Often recorded in a checklist
    • Inter-observer reliability
      The extent to which there is agreement between 2 or more observers.
    • Hawthorne effect
      When someone changes there behaviour because they are being observed.
    • Social desirability bias
      Changing your behaviour to seem more social desirable (popular).
    • Event sampling
      Count the number of times a particular behaviour occurred.

      + Event sampling is useful when the target behaviour or event happens quite infrequently and could be missed if time sampling was used.

      - However, if the specified event is too complex, the observer may overlook important details if using event sampling.
    • Time sampling
      Record behaviour using a pre-established time frame.

      + Time sampling is effective in reducing the number of observations that have to be made.

      - When that behaviour is sampled it might be unrepresentative of the observation as a whole.
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