Directional- specific about whether the change will be an increase or decrease (there's prior research)
Non-directional- certain about difference but no the direction of the difference between the DV and two conditions (used when there is no prior research)
Examples of directional:
- there will be a significant increase in maths test outcomes when jazz music is played compared to pop music
Examples of non-directional:
- there will be a significant difference between the test scores when jazz music is played compared to pop music
An experiment set up in the real world, usually with participants who are not aware that they are in a study of any kind. The researcher manipulates the I.V to record the D.V
An experiment that takes place in a controlled environment where the researcher manipulates the IV and records the effect on the DV while maintaining strict control of extraneous variables.
An experiment where the I.V is not manipulated as the IV is not caused by the researcher as it already exists. The researcher records the effect on the DV.
For example: Researchers are interested in how
parenting styles influence the
mental health of children. They take
advantage of 2 different cultures
that use different parenting styles
and then measure the differences in
the mental health of children.
+ Enables researches to study real life
+ Less ethical issues as the I.V isn't manipulated
- May only happen rarely
- Cannot demonstrate a casual relationship between the I.V and the D.V
Any effects of the investigators behaviour on the research outcome. This may include the design of the experiment, instructions, materials, selection of participants or interaction with participants. You could get someone else to run the experiment that does know the purpose of the research.
Informed consent involves making participants aware of the aims of the research, the procedures their rights (to withdraw) and what their data will be used for. We ask this by sending a consent letter.
A pilot study is a small-scale trial run of the actual investigation. A pilot study allows the research to identify any potential issues and to modify the design or procedure, saving time and money in the long run.