Beliefs,customs, and traditions of a specific group of people.
culture trait
A single element of normal practice in a culture, such as the wearing of a turban.
Not judging a culture but trying to understand it on its own terms
Evaluation of other cultures according to preconceptions originating in the standards of one's ownculture
The process of adopting customs of other cultures, usually without losing their culture
The process of lessdominant cultures losing their culture to a moredominant culture
A blending of variouscultures into another culturalpractice
The visibleimprint of human activity and culture on the landscape
Folk Culture
Culture traditionally practiced by a small,homogeneous, rural group living in relative isolation from other groups.
Popular Culture
Culturaltraits such as dress,diet, and music that identify and are part of today's changeable, urban-based, media-influenced societies
Cultural Complex
The group of traits that define a particular culture.
Cultural hearth
Heartland, source area, innovation center; place of origin of a major culture.
A restriction on behavior imposed by socialcustom.
Pertaining to language
sequent occupance
The notion that successivesocieties leave their cultural imprints on a place, each contributing to the cumulative culturallandscape
traditional architecture
Traditional building styles of different cultures, religions, and places
Postmodern Architecture
Blends historicalfoundations with modern touches
The loss of uniqueness of place in the cultural landscape so that one place looks like the next
Identity with a group of people that share distinct physical and mental traits as a product of common heredity and culturaltraditions.
Ethnic enclave
An area within a city containing members of the same ethnicbackground
indigenous community
People who are the original inhabitants of a country
Feelings evoked by people as a result of certain experiences and memories associated with a particular place.
The process of creating a comfortable personalenvironment that reflects the values,experiences, and tastes of the people
centripetal force
An attitude that tends to unify people and enhance support for a state
centrifugal force
A force that divides people and countries
Attempt by one country to establish settlements and to impose its political,economic, and cultural principles in another territory by directly implanting settlments
Attempt by one country to establish settlements and to impose its political,economic, and cultural principles in another territory from another country
Cultural practice or activity conducted in a smallregion
Cultural practice or activity conducted in a largeregion
Movement of people from rural areas to cities
Actions or processes that involve theentireworld and result in making something worldwide in scope.
Time-space convergence
The idea that distance between some places is actually shrinking as technology enables more rapid communication and increased interaction among those places
cultural convergence
The tendency for cultures to become more alike as they increasingly share technology,transportation, and communication increases
cultural divergence
The tendency for cultures to become more different as time passes
Nostratic Hypothesis
A hypothetical language family that is thought to have given rise to the Eurasian languages
official language
The language adopted for use by the government for the conduct of business and publication of documents.
A collection of languages related to each other through a common ancestor long before recordedhistory.
language branch
A smaller collection of languages that are similar to one another, but have split from the families
language group
Set of languages with a relatively recent common origin and many similar characteristics that have split from the branches
A regional variety of a language distinguished by vocabulary,spelling, and pronunciation.