
Cards (3)

  • clinical evidence
    • clive wearing + HM - memory loss is selective
    episodic memory was severely impaired as a consequence of amnesia
    semantic memory relatively unaffected
    procedural memories intact (clive could still play piano, sing and read music)
    as only the episodic memory was affected (damaged)- not ltm as a whole- semantic and procedural were functional, shows that there are different types of ltm and they are stored in different locations
  • neuroimaging evidence 

    • tulving 1994
    participants perform various tasks while pet scan
    • hemispheres- episodic recalled right prefrontal cortex, semantic was left prefrontal cortex
    • procedural recalled from cerebellum and basal ganglia
    • strong evidence as it is objective- has factual proof from brain scans
    • pet scans- show brain activation in different areas of brain dependant on the task, therefore showing that they are in different locations
  • belleville 2006
    episodic memories are affected amongst older people by mild cognitive impairment, but targeted help improved episodic memory
    trained group vs controlled group- trained participants performed better in a test of episodic memory
    identifying the different types of ltm, helps to treat individuals