Psychology research methods

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    • What does the experimental method involve?
      The manipulation of an independent variable (IV) to observe its effect on a dependent variable (DV).
    • What is the purpose of an aim in research?
      An aim is a general statement that outlines what the researcher plans to investigate.
    • How are aims developed in research?
      Aims are developed from theories and previous research readings.
    • What is a hypothesis?
      A hypothesis is a precise statement that describes the relationship between the variables being investigated.
    • What are the two types of hypotheses?
      A hypothesis can be either directional or non-directional.
    • What distinguishes a directional hypothesis from a non-directional hypothesis?
      A directional hypothesis specifies the direction of the relationship between variables, while a non-directional hypothesis does not.
    • Provide an example of a directional hypothesis related to sleep and memory performance.
      "The more sleep a participant has, the better their memory performance."
    • Provide an example of a non-directional hypothesis related to sleep and memory performance.
      "The difference in the amount of hours of sleep a participant has will affect their memory performance."
    • When is a directional hypothesis typically used?
      A directional hypothesis is used when previous research suggests a particular outcome.
    • What is the independent variable (IV) in an experiment?
      The independent variable is the aspect of the experiment that is manipulated by the researcher.
    • What is the dependent variable (DV) in an experiment?
      The dependent variable is the aspect of the study that is measured and is affected by changes in the IV.
    • Why is it important to control extraneous variables in an experiment?
      Controlling extraneous variables ensures that any effect on the DV is due solely to the IV.
    • What are the two conditions needed to test the effect of the IV?
      The experimental condition and the control condition.
    • What does operationalisation of variables mean?
      Operationalisation refers to clearly defining variables in terms of how they are measured.
    • How can a hypothesis be operationalised in a sleep study?
      "Participants that get at least four hours of sleep will show better performances on the memory test."
    • What are extraneous variables?
      Extraneous variables are any variables other than the IV that affect the DV but do not vary systematically with the IV.
    • What is a confounding variable?
      A confounding variable is a variable other than the IV that systematically affects the DV, making it difficult to determine the cause of the effect.
    • Give an example of a confounding variable in a sleep study.
      The time of day the memory test is conducted may affect performance.
    • What are demand characteristics?
      Demand characteristics are cues that make participants aware of the study's aim, potentially altering their behavior.
    • What is participant reactivity?
      Participant reactivity occurs when participants change their behavior due to awareness of being observed.
    • What is the 'Please-U effect'?
      The 'Please-U effect' is when participants alter their behavior to meet the perceived expectations of the researcher.
    • What is the 'screw-U effect'?
      The 'screw-U effect' is when participants intentionally underperform to sabotage the study's results.
    • How do demand characteristics affect research validity?
      Demand characteristics can compromise the validity of results by causing unnatural behavior in participants.
    • What are investigator effects?
      Investigator effects are unwanted influences from the researcher's behavior on the DV measured.
    • What is randomisation in research?
      Randomisation is the use of chance to reduce bias from investigator effects.
    • What is standardisation in research?
      Standardisation involves using the same procedures and instructions for all participants in the research.
    • What are the types of experiments in the experimental method?
      • Laboratory experiments
      • Field experiments
      • Quasi-experiments
      • Natural experiments
    • What are the strengths and limitations of laboratory experiments?
      • High degree of control
      • Greater accuracy
      • Replication possible

      • Experimenter's bias
      • Low ecological validity
    • What are the strengths and limitations of field experiments?
      • High ecological validity
      • Naturalistic behavior

      • Ethical considerations
      • Loss of control over extraneous variables
    • What are the strengths and limitations of quasi-experiments?
      • Controlled conditions
      • High internal validity

      • Cannot randomly allocate participants
      • Potential confounding variables
    • What are the strengths and limitations of natural experiments?
      • High external validity
      • Opportunities for unique research

      • Rare events may not be replicable
      • Difficult to randomise participants
    • What are the sampling methods in research?
      • Opportunity sampling
      • Random sampling
      • Systematic sampling
      • Stratified sampling
      • Volunteer sampling
    • What are the strengths and limitations of opportunity sampling?
      • Easy and time-saving recruitment
      • Less costly

      • Not representative of the population
      • Researcher bias present
    • What are the strengths and limitations of random sampling?
      • No researcher bias
      • Fair representation of the population

      • Time-consuming
      • Volunteer bias possible
    • What are the strengths and limitations of systematic sampling?
      • Avoids researcher bias
      • Fairly representative of the population

      • Not truly unbiased without randomisation
    • What are the strengths and limitations of stratified sampling?
      • No researcher bias
      • Produces representative data

      • Time-consuming
      • Complete representation not possible
    • What are the strengths and limitations of volunteer sampling?
      • Quick access to willing participants
      • Likely cooperation from participants

      • Volunteer bias affects generalisability
      • Motivations may influence results
    • What are the strengths and limitations of independent groups design?
      • No order effects
      • Less likely to guess study aims

      • No control over participant variables
      • Requires more participants
    • What are the strengths and limitations of repeated measures design?
      • Eliminates participant variables
      • Fewer participants needed

      • Order effects present
      • Boredom may affect performance
    • What are the strengths and limitations of matched pairs design?
      • No order effects
      • Less demand characteristics

      • Time-consuming and expensive
      • Large participant pool needed
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