
Cards (6)

  • porn
    PROACTIVE interfernce (PI) - the OLD interferes with the new information that is trying to be stored
    RETROACTIVE interference (RI) - the NEW information interfered wing the old information already stored
  • proactive (old interferes) retroactive (new interferes)
  • underwood and postman 1960
    • participants had to learn a series of pairs from list a and b, a stimulus and response
    • then had to learn the pairs from list a and c
    • given the stimulus word, and asked to either recall the word from list b or c
    list b- tested retroactive interference
    list c- tested proactive interference
    • control condition- to see what is recalled when there is no interference
    group b recalled the first list more accurately, which suggests that learning items in the second list interfered with participants ability to recall the first (retroactive interference)
  • the more similar the information, the worse the interference, as the information muddles, disrupts, disturbs, obstructs etc
  • mcgeoch + mcdonald 1931
    • changing amount of similarity in materials
    • lab experiment- so can be replicated to check for reliability
    • artificial materials- lack mundane realism
    • participants learned list until recall was 100%, then moved onto next
    1. synonyms
    2. antonyms
    3. unrelated
    4. nonsense syllables
    5. three digit numbers
    6. no new list- retested instead
    group 1, least items recalled
    group 6, most items recalled
    as the materials became less similar, interference decreased
    shows interference is strongest when memories are similar
  • baddeley + hitch 1977
    • natural experiment - high ecological validity
    • asked rugby players the names of teams they had played so far this season
    • those that had missed games had more accurate recall, as there was less interference
    games are similar, so memories merge together- causing less accurate recall
    supports interference not displacement