
    Cards (21)

    • What is the responsibility of researchers in psychology regarding their participants?
      Researchers have a responsibility to look after their participants.
    • What are participants' rights in psychological research?
      Participants have rights such as informed consent, right to withdraw, and protection from harm.
    • Who decides the ethical guidelines for psychological research in the UK?
      The British Psychological Society (BPS) writes the ethical guidelines in the UK.
    • What is the main focus of the video discussed in the study material?
      The video focuses on the BPS's ethical guidelines in psychological research.
    • What is informed consent in psychological research?
      Informed consent means participants are aware of the aims, purpose, and consequences of the research.
    • What should researchers do if participants are unable to give consent?
      Consent can be given by a parent or guardian if participants are unable to give consent.
    • What does the right to withdraw entail for participants?
      Participants should be informed they can end their participation at any stage.
    • What is the researcher’s responsibility regarding protection from harm?
      Researchers must consider the psychological well-being, physical health, personal values, and dignity of participants.
    • What must be done with personal records of participants?
      Personal records should be kept securely and not reveal identifiable information when publishing results.
    • When can confidentiality be broken in psychological research?
      Confidentiality can be broken if a participant or someone else is in danger.
    • What is the purpose of debriefing after a study?
      Debriefing informs participants about the reasons for the research and checks for any harm caused.
    • What are demand characteristics in psychological research?
      Demand characteristics occur when participants alter their behavior because they are aware of the research aim.
    • What is prior general consent in research?
      Prior general consent involves participants agreeing to a list of potential research activities without knowing which will be included.
    • What is retroactive consent?
      Retroactive consent is obtaining consent for the use of participants' data after they have taken part in the research.
    • What is presumptive consent?
      Presumptive consent involves asking a similar group if they would agree to participate, assuming the experimental group would consent as well.
    • What is a cost-benefit analysis in research?
      A cost-benefit analysis compares potential costs to participants with the potential benefits to society of the research.
    • What is the role of an ethics committee in research?
      An ethics committee evaluates whether research should be conducted based on ethical principles and may use a cost-benefit analysis.
    • What happens during the debriefing process?
      During debriefing, researchers reveal any deception, remind participants of their rights, and check for harm.
    • What are the key ethical issues in psychological research?
      • Informed consent
      • Right to withdraw
      • Protection from harm
      • Confidentiality
      • Debriefing
    • What are the alternatives to informed consent to avoid demand characteristics?
      • Prior general consent
      • Retroactive consent
      • Presumptive consent
    • What should be included in a debriefing form?
      • Purpose of the study
      • Any deception used
      • Right to withdraw data
      • Check for harm
      • Offer support if needed