Biological approach

Cards (5)

  • Overview of biological approach:
    views human beings as biological organisms and so provides biological explanations of all psychological functioning. links to Darwins theory of evolution.
  • What is the influence of genes on behaviour?

    children 'taking after' parents in terms of physical and physiological characteristics. genes are hereditary. heritability is the extent to which genetic individual differences contribute to individual differences in observed behaviour.
  • Genotype vs Phenotype
    Genotype = whole set of genetic information
    Phenotype = physical expression of genotype
  • Influence of the brain on behaviour:

    largest part of the brain= cerebrum.
    Cerebrum divided into two halves to form hemispheres, which are further split into 4 lobes.
  • Influence of neurochemistry on behaviour:

    neurotransmitters trigger nerve impulses which stimulate the brain.