Theories, Hypotheses, Constructs and Variables

    Cards (8)

    • Fact= a statement about a direct observation of nature that is so consistently repeated that virtually no doubt exists as t its truth value, it's under no dispute whatsoever
    • Theory= a collection of statements (propositions/hypothesis) that together attempt to explain a set of observed phenomena, broad encompassing framework, uses a series of facts to build a framework of observations to build theory
    • Hypothesis= a clear but tentative explanation for an observed phenomenon, derived from theories, provides a prediction of relationship between variables
    • Theories
      Integrated set of proposals that:
      • Define
      • Explain
      • Organise
      • Interrelate
      Proposals that provide a model of how the observed phenomena 'work'
      Makes general predictions upon which specific hypotheses can be based
    • Hypotheses make specific predictions and must be:
      • Falsifiable- can it be disproven
      • Testable- can a test be designed to adequately test it
      • Precisely stated- are all terms clearly defined
      • Rational- is hypothesis consistent with known information
      • Parsimonious- Is the explanation the simplest possible, Occam's razor
    • Constructs
      • Building blocks of theories- theoretical scaffolding
      • Theoretical concepts formulated to serve as casual or descriptive explanations
      • Don't directly indicate a means by which they can be measured
    • Variables
      Any characteristic that can assume multiple values (can vary), an event or condition the researcher observes or measures, must be operational
    • Constructs Vs Variables
      Constructs defined by theoretical definitions
      E.g. Psychosis: a mental state characterised by a 'loss of contact with reality'
      Variables defined by operational definitions
      E.g. contact with reality 'defined' by a score on a questionnaire