
    Cards (100)

    • Coding
      The format in which information is stored in the various memory stores.
    • Capacity
      The amount of information that can be held in memory
    • Duration
      the length of time information can be held in memory
    • Short term memory
      a limited-capacity memory store
    • What is the coding of STM?

    • What is the capacity of STM?

      5-9 items
    • What is the duration of STM?

      18-30 seconds
    • Long term memory
      the permanent memory store
    • What is the coding of LTM?

      Mainly semantic
    • What is the capacity of the LTM?

    • Baddeley research on coding
      -Gave diff lists of words to 4 groups of ppts (acosutically/semantically similar or dissimilar)
      -Found that when told to recall immediately, they did worse on acoustically similar words and when recalled 20 minutes after, they did worse on semantically similar words
      - this shows information is coded semantically in the LTM
    • Joseph Jacob digit span
      - the researcher gives e.g 4 digits, and the participant is asked to recall these in the correct order out loud.
      - if this is correct the researcher reads out 5 digits and so on until the pp cant recall correctly.
      - this determines the individuals digit span
    • What mean digit span did Joseph Jacobs find?

      9.3 items
    • What is chunking?

      grouping pieces of info together to improve encoding
    • What did George Miller observe?

      - he noted that things come in sevens: 7 notes on the piano, 7 deadly sins
      and so on
      - this suggests that the span (or capacity) is STM is about 7 items
    • Duration of STM - Margaret and Lloyd Peterson procedure
      - tested 24 undergraduate students with each taking part in 8 trials
      - on each trial the student was given a consonant syllable (or trigram) to remember and a 3 digit number
      - the student was then asked to count back from this number until told to stop to prevent any mental rehearsal of the consonant syllable
      - on each trial they were told to stop after a different amount of time: 3,6,9,12,15 or 18 seconds (called the retention interval)
    • Duration of STM - Margaret and Lloyd Peterson results

      Their findings suggest that STM may have a very short duration unless we repeat something over and over again (verbal rehearsal)
    • Duration of LTM (Bahrick et al) procedure

      - studied 392 pps from Ohio who were aged between 17 and 74
      - Their high school yearbooks we're obtained and recall was tested in various ways:
      1) photo recognition test consisting of 50 photos, some from the pps high school yearbook
      2) free recall test where pps recalled all the names of their graduating class
    • Duration of LTM (Bahrick et al) results

      - pps tested the within 15 years of graduation were about 90% accurate in photo recognition
      - After 48 years, recall declined to about 70% for photo recognition
      - free recall was less good than recognition
      - after 15 years this was about 60% accurate, dropping to 30% after 48 years
      - this shows that LTM can last a long time
    • Evaluation
      of coding, capacity and duration of memory-artificial stimuli
      -lacking validity
      - limitation of Miller's research is that we may have overestimated capacity of STM
      - meaningless stimuli in STM study:
    • Evaluation
      of coding, capacity and duration of memory -artificial stimuli- Baddeley's study was quite artificial stimuli as the word lists had no personal meaning to pps.
      - This means we should be cautious about generalising the findings to different kinds of memory task.
    • Evaluation
      of coding, capacity and duration of memory - lacking validity- limitation of Jacob's study is that it was conducted a long time ago and early research in psychology often lacks adequate control.
      - This would mean that results might not be valid because there were confounding variables not controlled
    • Evaluation
      of coding, capacity and duration of memory - limitation of Miller's research is that we may have overestimated capacity of STM- limitation of Miller's research is that he may have overestimated the capacity of STM.
      - This suggests were the lower end of Miller's estimate is more appropriate than seven items
    • Evaluation
      of coding, capacity and duration of memory - meaningless stimuli in STM study- in Petersons study the stimulus material was artificial and trying to memorise consonant syllables does not reflect most real life memory activities so this study has low external validity
    • Multi store model
      - A representation of how memory works in terms of three stores called sensory register, short-term memory and long-term memory.
      - It also describes how information is transferred from one store to another, how it is remembered and how it is forgotten.
    • Sensory register
      - The memory stores for each of our five senses, such as vision (iconic store) and hearing (echoic store).
      - Coding in the iconic sensory register is visual and in the echoic sensory register it is acoustic.
      - The capacity of sensory registers is huge (millions of receptors) and information lasts for a very short time (less than half a second).
    • Who developed the multi store model?
      Atkinson and Shiffrin (1968)
    • What does the multi store model describe?

      how information flows through the memory system
    • What does the multi store model look like?

      - Information goes into our sensory register, if we pay attention it is transferred to our short-term memory.
      - In order to keep it here we have to rehearse it, if not it is forgotten.
      - If we elaborate on the information it can transfer to the long-term memory.
    • What are the two main stores of the sensory register?

      iconic and echoic
    • How is information coded in the iconic memory store?

      visual information is coded visually
    • How is information coded in the echoic memory store?

      - sound/auditory information is coded acoustically
    • What is the duration of the sensory register?

      Less than half a second
    • What is the capacity of the sensory register?

      very high
    • What is the short term memory known as?

      limited capacity store
    • How does information have to be recalled from the LTM?

      - it has to be transferred back into STM by w process called retrieval
      - according to the MSM, This is true of all our memories
    • Strengths of the multi-store memory model
      - research support from Baddeley

      - case study of HM
    • Strengths of the multi store model - research support from Baddeley
      research support from Baddeley, that the STM and LTM are different and coded differently, they are clearly separate memory stores
    • Strengths of the multi store model - HM
      - case study of HM, had his hippocampus removed which is the central memory function;
      - he could not form new long term memories, but he did have a strong STM
      - supporting how the LTM and STM are completely separate stores (must consider methodological issues of case studies)
    • Limitations of the multi-store model
      -more than one type of STM

      - more than one type of LTM

      - artificial materials

      - Craik and Watkins
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