Scales of Measurement, Independent and Dependent Variables

    Cards (8)

    • Scales of Measurement
      Variables differ from one another in terms of their underlying properties:
      • Nominal (category)
      • Ordinal (ranked/ordered)
      • Interval (equal increments, no real 0)
      • Ratio (real 0)
      • Lowest level -> highest level (most info)
    • Nominal (categorical) data
      • Lowest level of information
      • Category membership
      • Numbers assigned serve as labels, but do not indicate numerical relationship, no mathematical reasoning behind it
      • E.g. gender, political party, religion
    • Ordinal data
      • Data can be ranked along a continuum
      • Intervals between ranks are not equal
      • E.g. race positions, attractiveness
    • Interval Data
      • Intervals between successive values are equal
      • But no true zero point
      • E.g. temperature, shoe size
    • Ratio data
      • Highest level of data
      • Equal intervals and a true zero point
      • E.g. Height, Distance
      • We know the zero is nothing
    • Experimental Methods
      Research design which allows us to make casual inferences about the influence of one or more variables on a variable of interest, one or more variables is manipulated and effect on the other variable is measured
    • Independent variables= The variable that is being manipulated and is hypothesised to bring about change in the variable of interest, have at least 2 levels
    • Dependent variable= The variable that is being measured, compare the differences in the DV under the different levels of the IV