Variables differ from one another in terms of their underlying properties:
Nominal (category)
Ordinal (ranked/ordered)
Interval (equal increments, no real 0)
Ratio (real 0)
Lowest level -> highest level (most info)
Nominal (categorical) data
Lowest level of information
Category membership
Numbers assigned serve as labels, but do not indicate numerical relationship, no mathematical reasoning behind it
E.g. gender, political party, religion
Ordinal data
Data can be ranked along a continuum
Intervals between ranks are not equal
E.g. race positions, attractiveness
Interval Data
Intervals between successive values are equal
But no true zero point
E.g. temperature, shoe size
Ratio data
Highest level of data
Equal intervals and a true zero point
E.g. Height, Distance
We know the zero is nothing
Experimental Methods
Research design which allows us to make casual inferences about the influence of one or more variables on a variable of interest, one or more variables is manipulated and effect on the other variable is measured
Independent variables= The variable that is being manipulated and is hypothesised to bring about change in the variable of interest, have at least 2 levels
Dependent variable= The variable that is being measured, compare the differences in the DV under the different levels of the IV