social learning theory

Cards (18)

  • What does social learning theory (SLT) suggest about how learning occurs?
    Learning occurs both directly and indirectly through vicarious reinforcement.
  • What are the stages of learning according to social learning theory?
    An observer identifies with a role model, observes their behavior, and imitates it if the model is rewarded.
  • What is a role model in the context of social learning theory?
    A role model is a person with whom the observer identifies and who displays specific behaviors.
  • What characteristics make someone a desirable role model?
    Attractiveness, high social status, similar age, and the same gender as the observer.
  • What is identification in social learning theory?
    Identification is the process by which an observer relates to a role model and aspires to be like them.
  • What is vicarious reinforcement?
    Vicarious reinforcement is indirect learning that occurs when an observer sees a role model rewarded for a behavior.
  • What are mediational processes in social learning theory?
    Mediational processes are cognitive processes that intervene between stimulus and response.
  • What are the four mediational processes identified in social learning theory?
    Attention, retention, motor reproduction, and motivation.
  • How do the first two mediational processes differ from the last two?
    The first two are involved in observing and understanding behavior, while the last two are involved in actual imitation.
  • What was the design of Bandura's Bobo Doll Study?
    • 36 boys and 36 girls aged 3 to 6 years
    • Three experimental groups:
    1. Real-life aggressive models
    2. Aggressive acts on film
    3. Aggressive cartoon character
  • What was the main finding of Bandura's Bobo Doll Study?
    Children who observed aggressive role models behaved more aggressively towards the Bobo doll.
  • What questions can be raised regarding the choice of role models in social learning theory?
    Why some individuals are chosen as role models and why some children do not reproduce observed behaviors.
  • How does social learning theory compare to other approaches in explaining behavior?
    SLT may be a better explanation for human behavior than animal behavior.
  • What biological differences did Bandura's Bobo Doll experiment ignore?
    It ignored biological differences between boys and girls, such as hormone levels affecting aggression.
  • What are demand characteristics in the context of Bandura's Bobo Doll experiment?
    Demand characteristics refer to participants acting more aggressively to please the experimenter due to the nature of the Bobo doll.
  • What is a limitation of the Bobo Doll experiment regarding its ecological validity?
    The study may lack mundane realism as it does not represent how children would behave aggressively in real-life situations.
  • How does SLT acknowledge the role of human cognition compared to behaviorism?
    SLT recognizes the role of mediational processes and the complexity of human cognition in behavior.
  • Why might SLT be considered a better explanation of human behavior than behaviorism?
    SLT acknowledges cognitive and decision-making processes that are more complex in humans.