
Cards (28)

  • What does cognitive psychology assume about the study of internal mental processes?
    It assumes that the scientific and objective study of internal mental processes is possible.
  • How do cognitive psychologists formulate conclusions about internal mental processes?
    They make inferences based on observable behaviors.
  • What is a significant aspect of the work of cognitive psychologists?
    Much of their work involves the indirect measurement of cognition.
  • How does the cognitive approach view mental processes in relation to the brain?
    The cognitive approach sees mental processes as being separate from the brain.
  • What tools do cognitive psychologists use to understand cognitive processes?
    They use computer models and theoretical models.
  • What is an example of a theoretical model in cognitive psychology?
    The working memory model is an example of a theoretical model.
  • What are the components of the working memory model?
    Central executive, phonological loop, visuo-spatial sketchpad, and episodic buffer.
  • How can analogies be made between computers and the human brain?
    Both involve processes of input, processing, and output.
  • When was the invention of the computer crucial for cognitive psychology?
    In the 1960s.
  • What are schemas in cognitive psychology?
    Schemas are 'packages' of ideas and knowledge about a certain person, place, object, or time.
  • How do schemas help in processing information?
    They provide mental shortcuts to process large volumes of data quickly and efficiently.
  • What is a potential downside of schemas in perception?
    They may lead to perceptual distortions due to preconceived frameworks.
  • What does cognitive neuroscience study?
    It studies the biological processes and aspects that underlie cognition, focusing on neural connections in the brain.
  • Who inferred the involvement of Brodmann's area 22 in language comprehension?
    Carl Wernicke.
  • What was a significant advancement in the 1970s regarding brain localization theory?
    Technology allowed for systematic measurement and observation of neural processes linked to specific brain functions.
  • What did Petersen et al (1988) find using PET scans?
    Evidence of Wernicke’s area being activated during listening tasks and Broca’s area during reading tasks.
  • What are current focuses of cognitive neuroscience research?
    Model-based planning, the neurological basis of autism, and moral reasoning.
  • What are some modern applications of cognitive neuroscience?
    Understanding human-computer interactions and predicting reading ability in children.
  • How has cognitive neuroscience increased the scientific credibility of psychology?
    By emphasizing the objective collection of reliable data through direct observation of neural processes.
  • What is a criticism of cognitive psychology regarding its concepts?
    It relies on overly abstract concepts and inference, lacking empirical evidence.
  • What is a practical application of cognitive neuroscience in education?
    Studying a child's performance in phonological tests to predict reading ability.
  • What does the cognitive approach say about human decision-making?
    It sees humans as able to reason and make conscious decisions within their cognitive limits.
  • How does the cognitive approach's view of determinism differ from behaviorism?
    The cognitive approach adopts a soft deterministic view, allowing for conscious insight into behavior.
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of cognitive psychology?
    • Scientific methods and rigor enhance credibility.
    • Practical applications in technology and education.

    • Overly abstract concepts may lack empirical support.
    • Reliance on inference reduces practical applications.
  • How do cognitive psychologists use computer models?
    • To understand and model cognitive processes.
    • By using analogies between computer functions and brain functions.
  • What is the role of schemas in cognition?
    • Schemas act as mental frameworks.
    • They help process information quickly but can lead to distortions.
  • What is the significance of brain mapping in cognitive neuroscience?
    • It helps identify specific brain areas involved in cognitive functions.
    • It provides empirical evidence for theories of brain localization.
  • What is soft determinism in the cognitive approach?
    • It allows for conscious decision-making within cognitive limits.
    • It contrasts with behaviorism's hard determinism.