mock 1 specifics

Cards (17)

  • Normans paragraph 1:
    evidence: Harrying of the north 1069
    explain: showed he was violent because he ploughed salt and burn buildings, over 100,000 died
  • Normans paragraph 2:
    evidence: Exeter castle (castles)-> gatehouse was build facing the city and it was build close to burh-gates.
    explain: showed the castle was built for intimidation not violence.
  • Normans paragraph 3:
    Evidence: Exeter 1068 rebellion - gouged eyes, laid siege
    Evidence: London 1066 - houses on fire along the south bank, attacked the surroundings until they surrendered.
    explain: used violent tendencies to gain control and loyalty.
  • 10 marks, paragraph 1
    evidence: population increase, overcrowding and poor housing quality
    explain: sanitary act 1866, public heath act 1875
  • 10 marks, paragraph 2:
    evidence: waterborne disease, common diseases (TB, influenza, typhoid, diphtheria)
    explain: sanitary act 1866 made local councils responsible to cleaning the streets, sewers
    bazelgates sewers reduced waterborne disease
  • government phase 1
    1970-1983 - urged gay people and drug addicts to stop donating blood
  • government phase 3
    1986-1987 - funded free HIV testing and blood screening
  • media phase 1
    1970-1983 - "killer blood", "gay plague" headlines
  • Media phase 4
    1988-1995 - 1992 Freddie Mercury concert, raised 20 mil for chairty
  • Public responses, phase 2
    1984-1985 - refused communion wine, withdrew children from school
  • Public responses, phase 5
    1996+ - people though medication was the cure so there was a raise in cases
  • Health services response, phase 2
    1984-1985 - doctors wore face masks
  • Health services, phase 5
    1996+ - antiretrovirals were invented in 1996
  • 18 marks, paragraph 1 (agree)
    EM - bad teeth from sugar and tobacco from the transatlantic slave trade)
    M - obesity concern (from more sedentary lifestyle)
  • 18 marks - paragraph 2 (agree)
    EM - gin craze - required 3 acts to fix
    M - government relied on taxation from cigarettes, multiple regulations in place to ease crisis (2007 - ban in public and 1971 - warnings printed on packets)
  • 18 marks, paragraph 3 (agree)
    EM - poor harvests in the 1590's causing poorer diets than normal
    M - relied on convenient microwavable foods causing poor diet
  • 18 marks - paragraph 4 (disagree)

    EM - no understanding of disease - 1518 isolation policies - made bubonic plague worse
    M - understanding of disease - 1948 NHS, immunisation programs - treated disease effectively