Paper 3 key vocab

Cards (100)

  • Psychology
    The scientific study of the mind and behaviour.
  • Scientific'
    A systematic and controlled study of human behaviour, establishing correlational or cause and effect relationships to describe behaviour.
  • The mind
    The part of humans that reasons, thinks, feels, perceives, and judges.
  • Behaviour
    The coordinated response of living organisms to internal or external stimuli.
  • Nurture
  • Nature
  • Cognitive processes
    Explanation of how the mind works. Includes memory, perception, attention, decision-making, and thinking/reasoning. It is how existing knowledge is used to create new knowledge.
  • Physiology
    Biological systems. Psychology focuses on the brain, the nervous system, hormones and genetics in regards to behaviour.
  • Attitudes
    Feelings of like or dislike. These can influence behaviour.
  • Emotions
    A combination of both psychological and cognitive processes. The seven basic ones are happiness, sadness, anger, fear, surprise, disgust, and contempt.
  • Aviation psychologists
    Study the behaviour of pilots and flight crew, and how to improve airline safety.
  • Clinical psychologists
    Assess, diagnose, and treat individuals suffering from psychological distress and mental illness.
  • Cognitive psychologists
    Investigate how people think, such as decision-making and problem-solving.
  • Consumer psychologists
    Research consumer behaviour and develop marketing strategies to promote businesses.
  • Developmental Psychologists
    Research human development across the entire lifespan - from infancy to old age.
  • Educational psychologists
    Study how people learn and develop instructional strategies and teaching techniques.
  • Forensic psychologists
    Study the origins of criminal behaviour as well as how psychological research can be applied to improve the justice system.
  • Health psychologists
    Conduct research on community health issues. They also seek to educate the community and develop prevention programs.
  • Industrial-Organizational psychologists
    Study workplace behaviour such as how to select the best employees for particular jobs and how to increase worker productivity.
  • Military psychologists
    Apply psychological theory to improve the military - for example, treating soldiers suffering from mental illness or emotional distress, researching different aspects of military life, and helping soldiers transition back to civilian life.
  • Sports psychologists
    Study how psychological factors affect performance and how participation in sports and exercise affect psychological and physical factors.
  • Theory
    Explanation for a psychological phenomenon. It summarises, organises and explains observations (never proves!)
  • Concepts
    Hypothetical constructs.
  • Self efficacy
    One's own belief as to whether they will succeed based on previous experiences.
  • Testable theory
    Able to prove wrong.
  • Unfalsifiable theory

    Not able to test the validity.
  • Anecdotal data
    Personal experience that supports or challenges a theory.
  • Empirical evidence
    Information acquired by observation or experimentation that is used to test a theory.
  • High heuristic ability
    When a theory is able to be applied in many different and practical ways.
  • * Reductionism*When a complex phenomenon is described in simple terms or with a single set of variables.
  • * Independent variable*What changes
  • **Dependant variable
    ** What is measured
  • **Extraneous variable
    ** A variable that is not intentionally studied that may effect the dependant variable in some way.
  • **Ecological validity
    ** How accurately the research can be applied to a real-world situation, and how closely the experiment reflects the individuals in their natural environment.
  • **Operationalise
    ** To turn abstract concepts into measurable observations
  • **Control variable
    ** What stays the same (is controlled)
  • **Reliability
    ** Consistency
  • **Validity
    ** Accuracy
  • **Internal validity
    ** the studies results are based purely on the independent variable and not other factors.
  • **External validity
    ** The extent in which you can apply the results to other situations