A circuit is a closed network through which charged particles can flow.
Various devices (e.g., bulb, battery) in a circuit are known as circuitelements.
Current is the rate at which charged particles pass through a cross-section of filament.
Current equation: I=dtdq=ΔtΔq
Current density is given by: J≡AI and is a vector that points in the same direction as the electric field (J∝E).
Conductivity: the degree to which a specified material conducts electricity.
Conductivity equation: σ≡mene2tmf
Conductivity in terms of the electric field: J=σE
Resistivity (Ω • m) is the measure of a material's ability to resist conducting electricity.
Resistivity equation: ρ≡σ1=ne2tmfme
Resistivity in terms of the electric field: E=ρJ
Resistance is the measure of opposition to the flow of current in an electrical circuit.
Resistance depends on only filament properties: (1) the resistivity, (2) the length, and (3) the cross-sectional area.
Ohm's law: ΔV=IR
For Ohm's law, the potential difference (voltage) is proportional to the current. Ohm's law is found from the slope of an I-V graph.
The temperature dependence of resistivity is given by: ρ=ρ0(1+αT−αT0), where ρ0, is the resistivity at temperature T0, and α is the temperaturecomponent of resistivity.
For a conductor, the electric fieldE is proportional to its current densityJ.
A circuit element that obeys Ohm's law over a wide range of potential differences is described as an Ohmic conductor.
Power supplied to a circuit element (default): P=IΔV
Power supplied by a battery (with terminal potential) Pbat=Iϵ
Power supplied by a circuit with resistance: P=I2R=RΔV2