data structure

Cards (73)

  • What is a linked list?
    A linked list is a fundamental data structure in computer science.
  • What are the main advantages of linked lists over arrays?
    Linked lists allow efficient insertion and deletion operations compared to arrays.
  • How is a linked list used in relation to other data structures?
    Linked lists are used to implement other data structures like stacks, queues, and deques.
  • What is the definition of a linked list?
    A linked list is a linear data structure consisting of nodes connected by pointers or references.
  • What does each node in a linked list contain?
    Each node contains data and a pointer/reference to the next node in the list.
  • What are the key differences between linked lists and arrays?
    • Linked List:
    • Non-contiguous data structure
    • Memory allocated one by one
    • Efficient insertion/deletion
    • Sequential access

    • Array:
    • Contiguous data structure
    • Memory allocated to the whole array
    • Inefficient insertion/deletion
    • Random access
  • What is a singly linked list?
    A singly linked list is a linear data structure where each element is connected only to its next element using a pointer.
  • What is the main advantage of a doubly linked list?
    The main advantage of a doubly linked list is that it allows for efficient traversal in both directions.
  • What characterizes a circular linked list?
    A circular linked list is a data structure where the last node connects back to the first, forming a loop.
  • What are the applications of circular linked lists?
    Circular linked lists are helpful for tasks like scheduling and managing playlists, allowing for smooth navigation.
  • What is a circular doubly linked list?
    A circular doubly linked list is a circular linked list where each node has two links connecting it to the previous and next nodes.
  • What is a header linked list?
    A header linked list contains a special header node at the beginning of the list that does not contain actual data.
  • What is the time complexity for inserting a node in a doubly circular linked list?
    The time complexity for inserting at the beginning of a doubly circular linked list is O(1).
  • What is the auxiliary space complexity for traversing a doubly circular linked list?
    The auxiliary space complexity for traversing a doubly circular linked list is O(1).
  • What is a multiply linked list?
    A multiply linked list is a data structure where each node contains multiple pointers linking to different nodes.
  • What are some applications of linked lists in computer science?
    1. Implementation of stacks and queues
    2. Representation of graphs using adjacency lists
    3. Dynamic memory allocation
    4. Maintaining a directory of names
    5. Performing arithmetic operations on long integers
    6. Manipulating polynomials
    7. Representing sparse matrices
  • What are some real-world applications of linked lists?
    1. Image viewer navigation
    2. Web browser history management
    3. Music player song navigation
    4. GPS navigation systems
    5. Robotics control systems
    6. Task scheduling in operating systems
    7. Image processing
    8. File systems representation
    9. Symbol table in compilers
    10. Undo/Redo functionality in software
  • What are the applications of circular linked lists?
    1. Implementation of queues without maintaining two pointers
    2. Repeating tasks around the list
    3. Implementation of advanced data structures like Fibonacci Heap
    4. Circular queues in operating systems
    5. Linked data structures in database systems
  • What are the applications of doubly linked lists?
    1. Redo and undo functionality
    2. Back and forward navigation in browsers
    3. Recent sections in user interfaces
    4. Other data structures like stacks and hash tables
    5. Game object management
    6. Networking applications
    7. Graph algorithms
    8. Process scheduling in operating systems
  • What is the time complexity for creating and traversing a header linked list?
    The time complexity for creating and traversing a header linked list is O(n).
  • What is the space complexity for a header linked list?
    The space complexity for a header linked list is O(n).
  • What is the output of a doubly circular linked list?
    The last node points back to the first node, creating a circular loop.
  • How would you design a data structure that supports operations like getMin and extractMax efficiently?
    You would use a linked list to maintain the order of elements for efficient access.
  • What is the insertion order for the example given in the study material?
    The valid insertion order is 10, 12, 13, 20, 50.
  • What is the significance of mastering data structures and algorithms (DSA) before development?
    Mastering DSA is crucial as it forms the basis for advanced algorithms.
  • Who shared a testimonial about the DSA course?
    Gaurav, who was placed at Amazon, shared the testimonial.
  • What did Gaurav emphasize about the DSA course?
    Gaurav emphasized that the course built a strong foundation for his problem-solving skills.
  • What did Gaurav praise about the instructor of the DSA course?
    Gaurav praised the passion of the instructor, Sandeep sir.
  • What is the main purpose of linked lists in programming?
    Linked lists are used to store elements that are not in contiguous memory locations.
  • How are elements in a linked list linked?
    Elements in a linked list are linked using pointers.
  • How does the structure of a linked list differ from that of an array?
    A linked list is non-contiguous while an array is contiguous in memory allocation.
  • In what scenario would you prefer using a linked list over an array?
    You would prefer a linked list when you need efficient insertion and deletion operations.
  • What is the role of pointers in a linked list?
    Pointers in a linked list connect nodes to form the structure of the list.
  • How does a doubly linked list enhance the functionality of a singly linked list?
    A doubly linked list allows traversal in both directions, unlike a singly linked list which only allows forward traversal.
  • What is the significance of the header node in a header linked list?
    The header node serves as a starting point for the list and does not contain actual data.
  • What does the START pointer in a header linked list point to?
    The START pointer points to the header node instead of the first data node.
  • What is the difference between a grounded header linked list and a regular header linked list?
    A grounded header linked list has its last node pointing to NULL, indicating the end of the list.
  • What is the time complexity for creating and inserting a node in a header linked list?
    The time complexity for creating and inserting a node is O(1).
  • What is the overall time complexity for creating and traversing a header linked list?
    The overall time complexity for creating and traversing a header linked list is O(n).
  • What are some basic string operations mentioned in the material?
    Accessing characters by index, inserting characters, modifying characters, deleting characters, concatenating strings, finding length, comparing strings.