
Cards (7)

  • What is the definition of unconditioned stimulus and an example in Pavolvs experiment?

    Definition: Stimulus that naturally triggers a response without prior learning Example: Food in Pavlov's experiment with dogs.
  • What is the definition of an unconditioned response and an example in Pavlov's experiment?

    Definition: An automatic response to a stimulus
    Example: The dog salivating
  • What is the definition of a neutral stimulus and an example from Pavlov's experiment?

    Definition: Stimulus that initially does not elicit a response. Example: Bell sound before conditioning.
  • What is the definition of a conditioned response and an example from Pavlov's experiment?

    Definition: Learned response to a previously neutral stimulus. Example: Dog salivating at the sound of a bell after associating it with food.
  • What is the definition of a conditioned stimulus and an example from Pavolv's experiment?

    Definition: A previously neutral stimulus that triggers a conditioned response after being paired with an unconditioned stimulus. Example: The bell ringing before presenting food to the dogs, which eventually caused the dogs to salivate at the sound of the bell alone.
  • What is the definition of a conditioned relationship and an example from Pavlov's experiment?

    Definition: the association of two stimuli causing a conditioned response Example: Bell ringing (neutral stimulus) leads to dogs salivating (conditioned stimulus) after being repeatedly paired with food.
  • What type of conditioning was Pavlov's experiment?

    classical conditioning