
Cards (52)

  • What do interactionists believe about behavior?
    • Behavior is caused by both nature and nurture working together.
    • They emphasize the interaction between genetic and environmental factors.
  • What are the findings of the twin and adoption studies into schizophrenia?
    • Adoption studies show increased schizophrenia incidence in adopted children with a biological parent with schizophrenia.
    • Twin studies reveal higher concordance rates for schizophrenia in monozygotic twins (58%) compared to dizygotic twins (12%).
  • What conclusion can be drawn from the twin and adoption studies regarding schizophrenia?
    There is significant genetic input into the onset of schizophrenia.
  • Who conducted the Little Albert experiment?
    Watson and Raynor
  • What was the outcome of the Little Albert experiment?
    Little Albert was classically conditioned to fear a white rat.
  • What does the Little Albert experiment demonstrate about behavior?
    It shows that the environment can be manipulated to create a phobic response.
  • What is the interactionist approach in psychology?
    • Behavior results from the interaction between nature and nurture.
    • Individual characteristics can elicit specific responses from others.
  • How do temperament and gender influence caregiver responses?
    Temperament influences how caregivers respond based on the child's activity and emotionality, while gender expectations shape reactions to boys and girls.
  • What was the focus of Maguire et al.'s (2000) taxi driver study?
    The study focused on how learning to navigate London affects the brain, specifically the hippocampus.
  • What was a significant finding from Maguire et al.'s study?
    The hippocampus was significantly larger in London taxi drivers compared to the control group.
  • What are the evaluation points regarding the nature-nurture debate?
    • Strengths and weaknesses of both nature and nurture perspectives.
    • Importance of the interaction between heredity and environment.
  • What do nativists believe about behavior?
    Nativists assume that heredity is the most important factor in behavior and knowledge.
  • What do empiricists believe about behavior?
    Empiricists assume that the environment is the most important factor and that we are born as blank slates.
  • What is the significance of the diathesis-stress model?
    • It illustrates the interaction between genetic predispositions and environmental stressors.
    • It helps explain the onset of certain psychological disorders.
  • What does epigenetics indicate about the nature-nurture debate?
    • Epigenetics shows how environmental factors can influence gene expression.
    • It supports the idea that nature and nurture are interconnected.
  • What is the main takeaway from the nature-nurture debate in psychology?
    It is dangerous to lean too heavily towards either extreme, as nature affects nurture and vice versa.
  • Why might psychologists be interested in the research about smoking during pregnancy?
    It suggests long-term health effects on future generations
  • Why might psychologists be interested in the research about the effects of smoking during pregnancy?
    It suggests long-term health risks for future generations
  • What does the Daily Mail article discuss regarding male and female brains?
    It debates whether nature reigns supreme over nurture in terms of differences between male and female brains.
  • What does the term 'nature' imply in the context of behaviour?
    Behaviour is caused by innate characteristics and biological factors
  • How does 'nurture' influence an individual's behaviour?
    It is determined by environmental factors and experiences
  • What does the term 'nature' imply in the context of behaviour?
    Behaviour is caused by innate characteristics and biological factors
  • How does 'nurture' influence an individual's behaviour?
    It is determined by environmental factors and experiences
  • What does the term 'concordance' refer to in measuring nature and nurture?
    It represents the degree to which two people are similar on a particular trait
  • What is the role of the hippocampus in the context of the taxi driver study?
    The hippocampus is responsible for spatial memory, which is significantly larger in taxi drivers due to their extensive navigation training.
  • What does the term 'concordance' refer to in measuring nature and nurture?
    The degree to which two people are similar on a particular trait
  • Who argued that some aspects of human behaviour are innate and hereditary?
    Rene Descartes
  • What is the view of John Locke regarding human behaviour at birth?
    We are born as a blank slate, shaped by experiences
  • What does a concordance coefficient of 0.01 indicate?
    The trait is not due to genetic factors
  • What are the key points of the behaviourist theories related to nurture?
    • Behaviour is shaped by environmental interactions
    • Individuals are born as empty vessels
    • Achievements depend on the quality of external influences
    • Environment is crucial for development
  • Who argued that some aspects of human behaviour are innate and hereditary?
    Rene Descartes
  • What does the term 'empiricist' refer to in the context of John Locke's view?
    It suggests that experience dictates who we are and our behaviour
  • What are the key points of the behaviourist theories related to nurture?
    • Behaviour is shaped by interactions with the environment
    • Individuals are born as a blank slate
    • Quality of external influences determines potential
  • What does the interactionist approach explain about behaviour?
    It includes both biological and psychological factors
  • What does the interactionist approach explain about behaviour?
    It includes both biological and psychological factors in explaining behaviour
  • What does the diathesis-stress model suggest about behaviour?
    It suggests that vulnerability is expressed only with a biological or environmental trigger
  • What does the diathesis-stress model suggest about behaviour?
    A vulnerability is expressed only when triggered by a stressor
  • What is epigenetics?
    A change in genetic activity without altering the genes themselves
  • What is epigenetics?
    A change in genetic activity without altering the genes themselves
  • What are the findings of Gottesman's twin study regarding schizophrenia?
    • MZ twins have a 48% risk if a parent has schizophrenia
    • DZ twins have a 17% risk if a parent has schizophrenia
    • Higher genetic relatedness correlates with higher risk
    • Genetics are only partly responsible for schizophrenia