culture bias

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  • What does cultural bias mean in psychology?
    A tendency to interpret all phenomena through the lens of one’s own culture, ignoring cultural differences.
  • How does a British researcher studying family life in Nigeria demonstrate cultural bias?
    The researcher may interpret behavior based on their own norms and expectations.
  • Why might the results of a study conducted by an American psychologist on conformity be considered culturally biased?
    The results are based solely on American males, limiting their applicability to other cultures.
  • What is ethnocentrism in the context of psychological research?
    Judging other cultures by the standards and values of one’s own culture.
  • What is cultural relativism?
    Any underlying characteristic of human beings that can be applied to all, despite differences.
  • What does the term 'universality' refer to in psychology?
    A tendency to interpret all phenomena through the lens of one’s own culture.
  • What is the implication of the Chitling Test regarding cultural bias?
    It tends to favor African Americans, leading to underperformance from people of other cultures.
  • How can indigenous psychologists help avoid cultural bias?
    They develop theories that are relevant to their specific cultural contexts.
  • What is the problem with findings from Afrocentric research?
    They are only significant for understanding behavior within one culture.
  • What does the term 'emic' refer to in psychological research?
    Using indigenous researchers in different cultural settings.
  • How can using local researchers in studies help avoid cultural bias?
    It allows for findings to be more generalizable across cultures.
  • What is the significance of Smith and Bond's (1998) survey on social psychology studies?
    It revealed that 66% of studies were American, indicating a lack of cultural representation.
  • What did Henrich et al. (2010) find regarding American students in psychology studies?
    An American student was 4,000 times more likely to participate than a non-Westerner.
  • How do international research collaborations help reduce cultural bias?
    They increase understanding of different cultures at both personal and professional levels.
  • What is the definition of ethnocentrism?
    Judging other cultures by the standards and values of one’s own culture.
  • What are the three main ways to avoid cultural bias in psychological research?
    • Indigenous Psychologists
    • Research Samples
    • International Collaboration
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of the Chitling Test?
    • Validity for African Americans

    • Culturally biased results for other cultures
  • What is the impact of ethnocentrism on psychological research?
    • Leads to biased interpretations
    • Can make other cultures seem inferior
    • Results may not be applicable to all populations
  • What is the significance of the term WEIRD in psychology?
    • Westernized
    • Educated
    • Industrialized
    • Rich
    • Democratic
  • What is the role of longitudinal studies in avoiding cultural bias?
    • Provide consistent behavioral findings
    • Allow for a comprehensive understanding of behavior over time
  • What are the implications of cultural bias in psychological testing?
    • Tests may not accurately reflect abilities across cultures
    • Can lead to misinterpretation of intelligence and behavior
  • How does cultural bias affect the interpretation of psychological research findings?
    • Findings may be skewed towards the researcher's cultural perspective
    • Can lead to incorrect conclusions about other cultures
  • What is the importance of cultural relativism in psychology?
    • Recognizes the validity of different cultural practices
    • Helps avoid ethnocentric interpretations
  • What is the significance of the term 'unrepresentative' in psychological research?
    • Norms and values are meaningful only within specific cultural contexts
    • Research findings may not apply to broader populations
  • What is the relationship between cultural bias and stereotypes in psychology?
    • Cultural bias can reinforce stereotypes
    • May lead to discrimination and prejudice in research findings