Tumour Pathology

    Cards (170)

    • What are the differences between benign and malignant tumours?
      Benign tumours are non-invasive and slow-growing, while malignant tumours are invasive and fast-growing.
    • What is the classification and nomenclature of tumours?
      Tumours are classified as benign or malignant based on their characteristics and behaviour.
    • What is the definition of the spread of cancer?
      The spread of cancer refers to the process by which cancer cells move from the primary site to distant sites.
    • What are the properties of cancer cells?
      Cancer cells exhibit uncontrolled growth, loss of cohesion, and immortality.
    • What is dysplasia?
      Dysplasia is an abnormal development of tissue that may precede cancer.
    • What is intra-epithelial neoplasia?
      Intra-epithelial neoplasia is a pre-cancerous condition characterized by abnormal cell growth within epithelial tissue.
    • What are the systemic effects of cancer?
      Systemic effects of cancer can include weight loss, fatigue, and changes in metabolism.
    • What are the local effects of cancer?
      Local effects of cancer can include obstruction, pressure effects, and infiltration of surrounding tissues.
    • What is an oncogene?
      An oncogene is a mutated form of a proto-oncogene that promotes cancer development.
    • What is a proto-oncogene?
      A proto-oncogene is a normal gene that can become an oncogene through mutation.
    • What is a tumour suppressor gene?
      A tumour suppressor gene regulates cell growth and prevents uncontrolled cell division.
    • How do genes like HER2 and BRAF contribute to cancer?
      HER2 and BRAF are examples of genes that, when mutated, can lead to uncontrolled cell growth and cancer.
    • What environmental factors may cause cancer?
      Environmental factors such as smoking, Human Papilloma Virus, and alcohol can increase cancer risk.
    • What is the multistep process of carcinogenesis?
      The multistep process of carcinogenesis involves multiple genetic mutations leading to cancer development.
    • What are the normal functions of the cell cycle?
      The normal functions of the cell cycle include cell growth, DNA replication, and cell division.
    • How do proto-oncogenes and tumour suppressor genes regulate cellular control?
      Proto-oncogenes promote cell growth, while tumour suppressor genes inhibit it, maintaining cellular control.
    • How do mutations in proto-oncogenes and tumour suppressor genes contribute to tumor formation?
      Mutations in these genes can lead to uncontrolled cell division and tumor progression.
    • What are the environmental and genetic influences in carcinogenesis?
      Both environmental factors and genetic predispositions contribute to the risk of developing cancer.
    • What is atrophy?
      Atrophy is a decrease in the size of an organ or tissue due to a reduction in cell size and/or number.
    • What are the types of atrophy?
      Atrophy can be physiological, as in natural processes, or pathological, due to various causes.
    • What is physiological atrophy?
      Physiological atrophy is a normal decrease in cell number or size as part of natural processes.
    • What is pathological atrophy?
      Pathological atrophy is an abnormal decrease in size due to causes like malnutrition or loss of nerve supply.
    • What does the ectoderm give rise to?
      The ectoderm gives rise to skin, neurons, and melanocytes.
    • What does the mesoderm give rise to?
      The mesoderm gives rise to muscles, blood cells, bones, cartilage, and endothelium.
    • What does the endoderm give rise to?
      The endoderm gives rise to the lining of airways, the lining of the gut, and glands.
    • What are the basic tissue types?
      • Epithelium: Surface lining of organs (e.g., squamous, glandular).
      • Mucosa: Epithelium combined with connective tissue lining internal organs.
      • Glands: Organs or tissues that secrete substances.
    • What is hyperplasia?
      Hyperplasia is an increase in the size of an organ or tissue due to an increase in cell numbers.
    • What is hypertrophy?
      Hypertrophy is an increase in the size of an organ due to an increase in the size of its cells.
    • What are the types of atrophy?
      Atrophy can be physiological or pathological, depending on the cause.
    • What is hypoplasia?
      Hypoplasia is the underdevelopment of an organ or tissue, often congenital.
    • What is metaplasia?
      Metaplasia is the transformation of one type of differentiated cell to another type.
    • What is neoplasia?
      Neoplasia is abnormal, unregulated tissue growth that persists even after the removal of stimuli.
    • What is a tumor?
      A tumor is any swelling or lump, often referring to neoplasms.
    • What are the characteristics of benign and malignant tumors?
      Benign Tumors:
      • Slow-growing
      • Encapsulated
      • Non-invasive
      • Well-defined

      Malignant Tumors:
      • Fast-growing
      • Irregular
      • Invasive
      • Capable of metastasis
    • What are the common types of benign tumors?
      Common types of benign tumors include adenoma and papilloma.
    • What are the common examples of malignant tumors?
      Common examples of malignant tumors include adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma.
    • What are the types of neoplasms?
      Benign Neoplasms:
      • Do not invade surrounding tissues
      • Examples: fibroma, leiomyoma, osteoma

      Malignant Neoplasms:
      • Ability to invade and spread (metastasis)
      • Types: carcinomas, sarcomas, leukemia, lymphoma
    • What is the defining feature of malignancy?
      The defining feature of malignancy is the tumor's capacity for invasion and metastasis.
    • What is a hamartoma?
      A hamartoma is a disorganized, non-clonal overgrowth of tissue elements native to the location.
    • What is a choristoma?
      A choristoma is a collection of normal tissue found in an abnormal location.