monotropic theory B

Cards (9)

  • 5 stages
    adaptive, social releasers, critical period, monotropy, internal working model
  • adaptive
    attachments are adaptive, forming them helps to ensure survival of a child
  • social releasers
    babies born with innate cute behaviours that encourage attention from adults, helps to ensure survival
  • critical period
    2 years long, attachment system active, harder to form attachments after this period
  • monotropy
    most important attachment, special bond with primary caregiver (mother), emphasises child's attachment to them
  • internal working model
    mental representation of relationship with primary caregiver formed in child, serves as template for future relationships
  • Support study 1 Lorenz (1952)

    • imprinting of goslings in critical period - 13-16 hours.
    • able to form attachments to things that aren't mother
    • increases chances of survival
  • Support study 2 Hazan and Shaver (1987)
    'Love Quiz' examined past relationships and attachments.
    • positive correlation between attachment type and past experiences with romantic relationships.
    • 620 participants
    • pop validity - may be biased as the pps were volunteers who would have already been interested in this subject
  • Critical Study 1 - Rutter et al (1998)

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