Scientific Report

Cards (21)

  • What is the format used by psychologists to write up their research for publication?
    A scientific report
  • What are the main sections of a scientific report?
    • Abstract
    • Introduction
    • Method
    • Results
    • Discussion
    • Referencing
  • What does the abstract of a scientific report include?
    A summary of the key details of the research report
  • How long is the abstract typically?
    About 150-200 words long
  • What information is included in the introduction section of a scientific report?
    Past research on a similar topic, relevant theories, studies, and concepts
  • How does the introduction section of a scientific report progress in terms of specificity?
    It starts broad and becomes more specific towards the end
  • What does the method section of a scientific report describe?
    What the researchers did during the study
  • What specific details are included in the method section?
    Design, sample collected, materials used, procedure, and ethics
  • Why is it important for the method section to have sufficient detail?
    So that others can replicate the investigation precisely
  • What is included in the results section of a scientific report?
    All the findings from the study, including statistics
  • What type of analysis may be included if qualitative data is collected?
    A thematic analysis
  • What is the purpose of the discussion section in a scientific report?
    To consider what the findings mean for us and psychological theories
  • How are the findings discussed in relation to the introduction?
    They are summarized and discussed in context to the introduction
  • What limitations might be discussed in the discussion section?
    Ways of improving the study and wider implications for society
  • What is the last part of a scientific report?
  • What does the referencing section include?
    A list of all the sources quoted or referred to in the report
  • How are books and journals referenced differently?
    • Author(s), date, title (in italics), place of publication, publisher

    • Author(s), date, title, journal name, volume, issue number (in italics), page range
  • What is the correct order for referencing books?
    Author(s), date, title of book, place of publication, publisher
  • Provide an example of how to reference a book.
    Flanagan, C. and Berry, D. (2016). A level Psychology Year 2. Chettenham: Illuminate Publishing.
  • What is the correct order for referencing journals?
    Author(s), date, title of article, journal name, volume, issue number, page range
  • Provide an example of how to reference a journal article.
    Gupta, S. (1991). Effects of time of day and personality on intelligence test score. Personality and individual differences, 12 (11). 1227-1231.