Inferential Statistical Test

Cards (13)

  • What are the three factors to consider when choosing an inferential statistical test?
    The design of the study, the level of data, and whether a difference or correlation is being measured
  • What does it mean if a study involves an unrelated design?
    It means the study uses an independent groups design
  • What types of data can be collected during a study?
    Ordinal, nominal, or interval data
  • What is the difference between measuring a difference and measuring a correlation?
    Measuring a difference compares groups, while measuring a correlation examines relationships between variables
  • What statistical tests are used for different types of data?
    • Nominal:
    • Test of difference: Chi-square
    • Test of association: Chi-square
    • Ordinal:
    • Test of difference: Mann-whitney
    • Test of association: Spearman's Rho
    • Interval:
    • Test of difference: Unrelated t-test
    • Test of association: Pearson's R
  • Why is it important to remember the table of statistical tests?
    It helps answer exam questions about appropriate statistical tests for research studies
  • What is the purpose of statistical tests?
    To determine whether a significant difference or correlation exists
  • What are the two values compared in a statistical test?
    The calculated value and the critical value
  • How is the critical value determined?
    It is worked out from a table of probability values based on various factors
  • What factors influence the calculation of the critical value?
    Whether it is a one or two-tailed test, the P value, and either the N value or degrees of freedom
  • What does the Rule of R state about statistical tests with an R in their name?
    The calculated value must be greater than or equal to the critical value for the result to be significant
  • What happens if the calculated value meets the Rule of R?
    The null hypothesis can be rejected and the alternative hypothesis is supported
  • What is required for statistical tests without an R in their name to be significant?
    The calculated value must be less than or equal to the critical value