Probability and Significance

Cards (14)

  • What does the term significance refer to in statistics?
    It indicates how sure we are about a correlation or difference existing.
  • What happens if a result is found to be significant?
    We reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternative hypothesis.
  • What does the null hypothesis (H0) state?
    There is no difference or correlation between the conditions.
  • What does the alternative hypothesis (H1) state?
    There is a difference between the conditions.
  • How is probability defined in statistics?
    It is a calculation of how likely it is for an event to happen.
  • What is the range of probability values?
    From 0 (statistical impossibility) to 1 (statistical certainty).
  • What is the usual level of significance in psychology?
  • What does a p-value of 0.05 indicate?
    The probability of the difference being due to chance is 5% or less.
  • What confidence level do researchers have in their results when the p-value is 0.05?
    Researchers have a 95% confidence level in their results.
  • What is the p-value set at when there is a risk attached to the research?
    0.01 (1%).
  • What are Type I and Type II errors in statistical testing?
    • Type I error: Incorrect rejection of a true null hypothesis (false positive).
    • Type II error: Failure to reject a false null hypothesis (false negative).
  • What is a Type I error?
    It is the incorrect rejection of a null hypothesis that is actually true.
  • What is a Type II error?
    It is the failure to reject a null hypothesis that is false.
  • What does a Type II error imply about the research findings?
    Researchers claim there is no significant difference when there actually is one.